I have a Trump-voting coworker who, if you didn’t know she’s a Trump-voter, is relatively bright and a very personable, tactful human being.
Your comment is so on point. As soon as Trump started attacking the press in his 2016 campaign - making enemies out of the legitimate institutions whose sole job is to tell the truth and inform the public - I knew that his entire base and movement rejected, fundamentally, the idea of knowledge.
I will say I loved Lula Roe leggings at first - they are SO soft but that’s because they fall apart after one wash - and it was before I knew what its business model was. I also wanted them for wearing around the house, not like, out in public. The rest of their clothes are matronly and hideous, IMO.
Ugh, I’m so sorry. :( That really is heinous.
Agreed! I found it fascinating (especially since in my last relationship I was the repeat victim of several forced Thirty One parties), but the host’s voice is kind of grating. Careful though, apparently she was a former Jez staffer.
Perhaps the worst is the guilt and manipulation tactics, huns never take no for an answer. I loathe their “Support your friends!” guilt trip.
This guy is getting dangerously close to the self-congratulating comedy of Mike Huckabee.
Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who has done a wonderful job, has decided not to go forward with his confirmation process so that he can devote more time to his family....
I mostly agree with what you’re saying, but I’d caution you not to forget that Trump-supporting idiots in Alabama are still having kids at the same rate as everyone else. It’s not just an old person problem that this geezer has - it’s a cloistered, racist, uneducated Southern problem. And future generations are…
Yeah... I get a little squicked out every time he tries to hit on her or kiss her or look at her with puppy dog eyes but on the other hand, these two seem kinda perfect for each other. Also, no one else deserves either of them sooooo, OK!
This is exactly my take on telling the three boys and merging them into a little family. Yes, it’s sweet that you’re trying to encourage a brotherhood - particularly considering the trauma that all three of them have endured - but you’ve got to be consistent when you talk to them about Perry. Max is a demonstrably…
I didn’t miss Rue’s backstory at all. I actually found it to be one of the contributors to the episode’s gratuitous pessimism. “I was born into chaos, and all my life I’ve been surrounded by it...” like being born three days after 9/11 magically cursed her with anxiety disorder. The whole thing was reminiscent of the…
there was dark humor in the situations and character conceptions, but none of the characters were ever trying to be funny
Oh definitely. She’s also a gaslighter of the highest degree. It’s very clear that Perry learned a lot of his greatest hits from Mary Louise.
It’s trippy but not motion sickness-inducing. They play with color a lot and there’s one scene of forced perspective where the main character walks on walls Jamiroquoi-style. I was arguably drunk when I watched this and held everything down fine. :)
I’m not craving sweet; I’m just craving a realistic universe. I can absolutely enjoy dark shows but this one (at least in the pilot) presented its teens as joyless, cynical daredevils that had no sense of humor. Even depressed children can find the light in some things, or they’re surrounded by friends and family that…
It’s just a joke unless it’s a comment about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ makeup, and then it’s persecution.
When I was in high school I had a 4.0 GPA and was shocked when I didn’t get into the Honors Society. When I asked the faculty what gives they told me that I had a shitty attitude and disruptive behavior in the classroom.
This is such a common excuse when the GOP or conservatives get in hot water for saying something racist: “sure it was bad, but who hasn’t made a slip like this?” or something to that effect.