
Yes, it rules. Plus you’ll learn important lessons about the food pyramid, and how you can get ADD (And its hypepractive cousin, ADHD) from a toilet seat.

That was far and away the best sketch of the show. And her cats deadpan expression through the whole thing made it even better next to Kate's wide-eyed manic look. I still watch her Casablanca skit from a few years ago everytime I need a laugh. 

Not shallow at all! Knowing this would provide a public health benefit.

I am of an age where Brad Pitt was the heartthrob of my youth. So maybe it’s nostalgia or maybe it’s the quarantine talking, but he could still get it.

I enjoyed the show. Glad Dr. Fauci got a shout out. And loved Brad as him. As they say. WIshes do come true.  I’m impressed that SNL is doing this. It’s hard for them to basically be doing 1 man/woman shows. so good job all around

We are totally ready to have a female President.

2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024

Now playing

If you have not seen it, this video on the behind the scenes of Princes’ halftime show just made him more amazing. Anyone that says “Can you make it rain harder?” is not of this earth.

Pussy motherfucking Power is all I gots to say.

The MAGAs had a rough night. Lol Latinas took over the halftime show and Nick Bosa lost his opportunity to go to the White House. Amazing. 

And wrong. Still not topping the rain!

congrats, this is the weakest “he may have been a disgusting worthless racist, but he was always cool to me” post of the day. you win. how embarrassing.

lol imagine being such a piece of shit bigot that you think being opposed to racism is a political stance. 

Being against racism isn’t a political issue numbnuts, so it’s not “politically correct.” It’s just CORRECT. Vaccinate your kids, the Earth isn’t flat, and racism is bad, these are concepts anyone with two working brain cells should be able to figure out.

If you read this article and think "he was possibly a difficult individual” no one cares about your opinion.

This is the best comment I've read today. 

And yet she’s more articulate than her husband.

They even largely hate each other.

Please don’t make me choose between people who openly root for the Patriots and the scowling, apathetic 3rd wife of the worst president in US history. Please.