
Do you mean the countless times he lied to his golf buddies during a game about where his ball landed or do you mean the time he stripped the championship title from someone at one of his clubs and then gave it to himself?

LOL @ “We brought cookies/Dad’s an asshole” party. I could have benefited from one of those parties growing up.

Same age, same philosophy. No matter how crazy I am about you, I will never put my naked body in a picture, much less send it to another device for posterity. If you don’t want to put something sensitive in writing, you should treat your body the same way. I feel just as strongly about receiving nudes, by the way.

Agreed, and this is one of the reasons I also hated 13 Reasons Why. Yes, kids are moody and depressed and have anxiety, but it’s not like you’d walk into one high school class and find ALL OF THESE PROBLEMS HAPPENING TO THE SAME PEOPLE, with a complete vacuum of anything happy or humorous. Kids, like every other human

Yes, there’s so much in that little chin-necklace gesture: childishness, lack of self-awareness (or too much self-awareness!), impishness, a kind of manipulation... it’s so creepy and unusual. I loved it.

Remember, NBC isn’t misogynist either.

I’m encouraged by this review because honestly, after watching the pilot, I was not dying to watch the rest of the season. It was beautifully shot but so much of it felt like heavy-handed, terrorist parent propaganda, a la Kids or Bully. I agree with you, Ashley, that we need a *little* more levity so this whole thing

$201 in residuals from her appearances on Saturday Night Live

... except his supporters look at behavior like this and applaud it. “Yeah, look at that big boss man telling that pussy cougher what’s up. You don’t cough in that guy’s board room! I like that this guy throws his weight around.” 

John Oliver is doing a pretty fantastic job. Unfortunately for him and the rest of us though he’s preaching to the choir and not the actual people who need to hear it.

YES!!!! Mary Louise totally voted for Trump. And this is so spot on: “Mary Louise is like the perfect boomer enabler of everything that is awful.” 

If someone with even a shred of sanity like Al Gore puts up a fight, imagine what this ghoul would do. I’m with you: the 2020 will absolutely end with a long and drawn-out court or Congressional battle if Trump loses.

IF my dreams come true and he loses legitimately in 2020, you can bet your ass he won’t go quietly. He will fight and sue and hiss and moan. He’ll put up a fight that will make the Hanging Chads of 2000 look like child’s play.

Add to that his willful ignorance, ie choosing to ignore hundreds of people protesting him in London. He is selectively blind to anything that’s not the idiots at his rallies.

I said the same thing above. He literally thinks the presidency is the same thing as his bullshit television show. Interviews are shoots. If you don’t give a good answer the first time there’s always a second take.

Bingo. He knew Trump was about to step in it and wanted to create a diversion.

“Which financial statement?”

It’s so faux-Hollywood. I know interviews are slightly editorialized but it’s pretty gross to see him treat this moment like it’s a scene on The Apprentice.

1. I also want to murder Mary Louise; her scene with Celeste was infuriating (but a credit to Meryl for playing the female apologist so exhaustively - and exhaustingly - well). She hit all the high notes: doubting that Perry could actually do the shit he did, questioning the credibility of Jane’s memory since “she’s