
Again, I think all of the scenes made sense and I completely understand the decisions that all these characters are making. My issue is just with the disconnect between last season’s finale and this one’s premiere. I feel like we missed out on the two years we didn’t see, but might have been educated on them with a

Completely forgot Sandra Bernhard was in season 1. But I still maintain my stance that her first scene with Blanca (I think it was the second in the episode) felt very informational-video-y, like she was in a commercial for AZT or acting in a tape they show you in sex ed on the threat of HIV And Other Sexually

I never watched The Tick but I’m in love with Griffin Newman. If you’re missing him I suggest checking out his podcast Blank Check.

The premiere’s pacing is admittedly imperfect

Now playing

I absolutely thought the Marie Antoinette bit was a reference to Madonna. As soon as Pray Tell introduced the “Revolution” Category and everyone came out as Ancien Regime Frenchies I thought less of Pray’s “revolution” (ACT UP) and more of Madonna’s Vogue performance at the VMAs

redacted since tsuyo covered it - pathetic.

I would be STUNNED if Andy Cohen allowed this. I know he’s not the end-all, be-all at Bravo but he has enough weight to throw around to not let this happen.

More than that: I find her obnoxious. It’s not cute to watch a 40-something woman cry over pictures of her embryos (“my babies!”) and whine ad nauseum about not getting married. I understand it’s a point of stress for her but at her age she should focus a lot more on having a life. Like, jesus, if you’re so worried

Honestly? I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit.

No, I seriously don’t. I seriously think Trump is incapable of thinking beyond the phone in his hands or the television in front of him. I think he has early onset dementia and doesn’t have the mental infrastructure to formulate a plan with more than one step, including one as simple as this.

I saw it. I’m dumb as bricks and am nowhere near close to a lawyer or economist but I’m pretty sure it’s not a trade agreement.

This makes me truly curious as to what is on that sheet of paper, if anything, and why he has it. Who gave it to him? I don’t think he just grabbed it himself, intending to trick reporters with it. I don’t think he thinks that far ahead.

I fully expect him to just burst spontaneously in an explosion of mashed potatoes and jello one day. “Ha ha, he’s a zit, get it?!” we’ll all laugh, as we scatter into a giant food fight.

Let me put it to you this way: if Travis Scott threw his best friend, who is also black, a Roots-themed party, because Roots was Travis’ friends “favorite show!”, would you not agree with the rest of the internet/world that that would be hella dumb? Would you defend them if, after posting a bunch of pictures of the

The public begs to know: is Planet Hollywood a good restaurant to bring your doll?

This post reminded me, obviously, of the big showy chains that I thought were special and exhilarating as a child (I remember going to the Hardrock in the Baltimore Harbor and fashioning myself such an INSIDER at 10 years old), but also of just the laughable, tacky tourist restaurant crap that corporations pulled in

I heard what is probably an urban legend that celery is negative calories because your body expends more energy digesting its fibers than the vegetable deposits into your body.

Raw broccoli is what you eat when all the carrot sticks from the veggie tray (with central ranch dipping container) are gone.

Actual footage of me looking at that:

SAME. I thought all cheese was some sort of weird congealed yellow foot odor plastic and it immediately infected anything it touched. Seeing the actual prep work involved in Kraft mac & cheese only corroborated my suspicion.