
I mean, on a scale of One to Blackface, I’m not setting cars on fire, but if you are an extremely famous person doing this publicly I’d say you deserve all the dunks you get. Even if this is “your favorite show!” isn’t there a better, less sociopolitically relevant one to base your party off of?

So is the little piece of lettuce? Like, if you want to demonstrate that she’s been eating vegetables, why not have her chomping on a big, OBVIOUS leaf of lettuce? Or why not put a big salad bowl in front of her? Or why not put a carrot stick in her other hand? Why do this, which just looks sort of gross and

Jello salads like that are such a signature and ubiquitous piece of 1950s-70s recipes. They are nauseating and immediately kill my appetite. Also, they seem to have been invented because everyone was too lazy to actually marinate, season, or cook anything.

Yes, I definitely noticed the “mess” that she’s made of the bedroom now, and I noticed Mary Louise noticing it too. Granted, her mess is what my apartment looks like on a good day, but it was a subtle nod to both Celeste’s grieving process and her newfound freedom.

I’m also sickly pale but I look healthier than that kid. Her skin is GRAY.

Russian dressing still exists because of Reuben sandwiches. All those other ones remind me of a salad bar at Hamburger Hamlet, which is essentially the same thing as “old people.” Also, they’re gross.

Everything is cake!

Ha! This is such, such a bad Photoshop job. The girl looks sickly pale, her hand is so obviously an adult’s, and that tiny little piece of lettuce... it looks like something you’d see on Weekend Update.

If I could find a video of that scene in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days where Matthew McConaughey shouts out of a window, “women of New York, frost yourselves!” and a woman on the street shouting back to him “frost this!,” this is where I’d post it.

Holy shit, I just realized how dumb I am: I thought she was Lisa Bonet the whole time. The reason I like watching her so much is because I think to myself “that’s the woman who’s married to my boyfriend Jason Momoa.”

She doesn’t seem like a physically violent type to me (and for all her talents I don’t think Meryl could or would play that). I see more of an emotional and psychological abuser. If Perry saw abuse from anyone firsthand it would have been his father, but again, reading from Mary Louise in this last episode I get the

IIRC, that was the year she was like “I know everyone at home is rolling their eyes because it’s me again” and then said:

Every time she’s on screen I just stare at her nose and her mouth. They’re just so stern and delicate and terrifying. Fuckin love this woman.

It’s a fantastic show and a great base for conversation, but I will never understand the people who think The Handmaid’s Tale is a good foundation for party themes and wines. Unless they’re people who don’t actually watch the show and/or read the news.

I’m not worked up about it but I will say it’s dumb and kind of tasteless. If The Handmaid’s Tale is your “favorite show” in the way that you’d want to take it beyond simple television viewing and make it a party theme, you’re watching it wrong.

Oh, those twins... I really worry for them with Grammy Meryl putting worms in their ear. :( I wonder how she’ll react when she meets Ziggy.

The scarves are such a mood. I wanna rifle through that silk scarf drawer.

there’s a lot of pent-up anger there that needs an outlet beyond eating cupcakes

This is how I feel. This show absolutely didn’t need a second season but anything to showcase Meryl is OK in my book.