
I’ve wondered many times on this site what will happen when Trump dies and how the nation will respond. I truly don’t know whether or not he’d be honored with the privilege of a state funeral (which, seeing one in person, he’d probably want), nor if he’d rather have some gaudy golden orgy at Mar-a-Lago instead (which

Senile people *sort of* get a pass because of their mental state, which is why I also don’t believe Trump is the evil genius a lot of people make him out to be. Yes, he’s a horrible racist misogynist megalomaniac sphincter, but he doesn’t have any grand designs or cogent policy ideas. His brain is bread pudding at

Oh my god the whistling and the happy tails wagging and yes, that “people are back!” feeling absolutely DESTROYED me. I hugged my dog extra hard that night.

I know this is late but as an Irish American I’m really excited to use this gif

Yes, with the caveat that Juul is essentially *the* brand of vape. It owns about 70% of the e-cigarette market. I think the difference between the “idiots who vaped” a few years ago and the “Juulers” now is (in my mind) the idiots you made fun of years ago were your stereotypical vape bros who owned crazy open mod

The network NTV, which was once independent but is now owned by the state-owned gas company Gazprom, wants to create their own Chernobyl series.

My first boyfriend was Russian and hoo lord was he an asshole of the highest order, but one bone I did throw his boastful ass - through the many opportunities he took to boast - was that we’d all be speaking German if it wasn’t for the USSR.

This comment is perfect, particularly as it relates to Trump stealing the thunder of real heroes by managing to do the bare human minimum.

Ha! Seriously! This is the most entitled fucking answer I’ve ever heard. Eric is definitely a guy who’s told a woman or two to “relax” in his lifetime.

I know it’s only one town, and I don’t begrudge these people for “admiring” the family that literally signs their checks, but it nauseates me to see the people of my ancestral land venerate these adult baby men goons like they’re fucking Kennedys.

Like others have said, the post is actually a series of pictures and you have to scroll through to see the hoodie itself. Which, unsurprisingly, is printed with that topless picture of Miley in the first picture.

I always leave CC on even when everyone speaks English and regardless of their accents because my hearing is SHIT. And yes, this is a show about nuclear fucking physics. I barely understood the logistics of anything as it stood; reading about roentgen and stabilizers and uranium and blablabla would just drive me

Seriously. I’ve noticed that all the international shows Netflix imports now are dubbed. Initially I found it incredibly distracting and stupid, but then I realized that all of us now probably watch television while also scrolling through our phones (myself included) and no one would have the patience to stare at one

I’m going to hell for laughing at that meme, but it’s perfect.

I’m someone who immediately writes off movies or television shows at the faintest hint of animal violence, but didn’t with Chernobyl. For one, even though it was exceedingly hard to watch, they took special care not to show animal *gore* (with the exception of one dog, there wasn’t a gratuitous amount of animals

Serious question: how and why do Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago cost THAT MUCH FUCKING MONEY. I’m not doubting that they do, I’m just wondering HOW. Beyond security and travel, what is this chucklehead paying for? IT’S HIS OWN FUCKING PROPERTY. I find it abhorrent that we are essentially paying taxes that go straight

I posted a question to the Deadspin Funbag about Trump’s ability to drive, so thank you for this!

I think just dropping him in a VR where nobody knows, recognizes or even cares about who he is would be the first in many long steps towards justice.

Ha. I mean, despite her very arbitrary and inexplicable decisions she is at the core a very good, loving person. I don’t think she’d go on rape and murder sprees just for the fun of it.