
Totally. They’re predators. They hunt endangered animals and vulnerable people who they can scam out of a shitty hotel property.

When he says he doesn’t know something it means he does but it’s devastating to his position so he won’t admit it.

I 100% believe that if you showed Trump a picture of FDR without context and asked him to Name This Man, he could not do it. He would probably think it was a friend of his dad’s or a Rockefeller or some sort of inventor.

Maybe if we started disseminating pictures of GAY aborted fetuses conservatives would get on board. Or create an ultrasound machine that shows you your little miracle with a pierced ear, holding a Robyn CD, on a teeny tiny little Fire Island Ferry.

Oh, so you meant it for your urologist and not the rest of the world. Carry on.

I have a friend who makes extremely bizarre decisions on a regular basis and as a result is an endless source of delight and wonder. While visiting one of our friends out of state, she said the only thing she wanted to do that weekend was take a bath in the bathtub. When she came to a Christmas party one of us threw,

The only thing I’d add to your second paragraph is that while Trump is throwing his “wealth” in your face, all he’s doing is buying the Target couch and spray painting it gold. Everything he buys he bought cheap or swindled. He doesn’t really pay for anything.

There is no way in hell Trump was “humiliated” by any minute of that evening, unfortunately. I think he’s self conscious about his weight but all of it was erased thanks to a horribly tailored suit and the imagined sense of importance that’s described in this post.

This whole post was some of the most exquisite writing I’ve ever read.

I mean yes and no; Piers asked Trump real questions in this interview and even challenged him on his bullshit (see: we can’t have trans people in the military because “drugs,” but we throw Viagra at soldiers like it’s candy). It pisses me off especially when a journalist is willing to be this direct and serious and

I know this is Piers Morgan we’re talking about, but every second he and any other journalist spends doing cutesy shit like this and not asking this dotard material questions, holding his feet over the fire, exposing him for the absolute, idiotic terror he is (aka DOING THEIR JOB AS A JOURNALIST) makes another blood

Transcribing the rotten sludge that comes out of this dotard’s mouth proves how far his brain is gone. Any day now he’ll turn into a Howard Hughes-esque geezer just repeating the words “Diet Coke” to no one.

THANK YOU. Why does no one fucking do this? When the President of the United States says “I didn’t know this very basic thing,” you say “well then you don’t deserve to be in this interview, and you clearly aren’t prepared to govern.”

His “I didn’t know that” is what really kills me. I don’t think he likes admitting on camera that he doesn’t know something, but the fact that that is a way he shuts down a debate is so fucking embarrassing. I’m the leader of one of the world’s most awesome superpowers and I don’t know that my soldiers are allowed to

This is exactly how I feel. You know none of them will want to tag along on visits to Africa or Asia unless there’s a dollar sign attached to it. But a photo opp with the Pope or the Queen obviously presents huge reasons to bring the whole fucking brood.

A lot of people are not accepting this behavior.

I think it’s a very common old-man resting face thing to only show your bottom teeth, particularly when you’re a senile ass, nearly dead mouth breather. My grandfather always had this expression on his face and, like Trump, he was a nasty hateful racist curmudgeon.

Her style is so deeply, deeply bad. Lately she’s taken on this Nancy Reagan thing because I guess she fancies herself the new conservative Queen of America. The Donna Reed dress at the State Dinner, the shoulder pad/pleated skirt/maxi pad monstrosity at Westminster Abby, now this. Jesus Christ Ivanka, I JUST SAID NO

Next thing you know she’s going to have the Parks department build her a Petit Hameau so she can play peasants with all her rich friends.

That would be the only time you’d hear me say “I’m ok with a woman president, just not this woman.”