Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.
Yeah, I could understand Trump and Melania staying there (if they were at all tolerable human beings, or if they weren’t assholes who’d prefer to stay in their own TRUMP London dump), but with his whole nasty brood there’s no way. Buckingham Palace would sooner welcome cockroaches.
Thank you for this. It also answers the question of why he’s constantly leaning over as if he’s about to fall forward, which has always perplexed me.
My cat LOVES ranch dressing. I get so grossed out when she creeps up to a little cup of it and tries to lap it up, which is hypocritical since I practically do the same thing. Anyway, your cat and my cat would throw a really good pizza party.
I have the same exact fears when my cat slips out of the front door of my apartment, which has happened twice now. She’s a smart kitty but I’m always terrified that she’ll get adventurous and try to cross the street or get in a fight with one of the evil geese that live on my property.
I’ll die with you on that hill. My cat has escaped the apartment twice and both times I was in a near panic, though I’ve learned how to chill out and easily bring her back inside.
I love that you remembered this: https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/season-6-episode-3-road-to-tokyo/
Constantly surrounded by three incompetent men who do nothing but commit hijinks, she also becomes a lesbian.
Jennifer Aniston would never deign to appear on this show. At least I hope not. She seems way too smart and non-Christian for it.
this was basically bringing your entire extended family to a wedding that specifically says, “no children please.”
Ah, this seems like a good code! Thanks for educating me, a peasant who will never be required to wear gloves. :)
Maybe. It still looks weirdly casual, even on that model. I think it’s because it’s all one color? Maybe if the top were white and the skirt was blue it would be better. But even that shade of blue just seems wrong: more Easter Sunday in the Park instead of State Dinner at Buckingham Palace. It just looks like someone…
I have a sneaking suspicion that the small, pure part of Melania’s heart is trying to keep her son as far away from this circus of a presidency as she can. For good reason.
Was the corset a nod to like, olden times in the palace?
This is literally my exact reaction. Perfect.
Yeah, now I see that.
Ah, now I see it. That’s fair.
I was exaggerating, but it still grosses me out to see her interacting with him like that. I know it’s faint, but it looks like she’s cocking her head and laughing or genuinely grinning at him. :(