
Yes, I think the dress is probably very constricting. Either that or (and this is a shitty thing to say) she’s sucking in or holding her posture in such a way to look more regal and angular, which isn’t necessary. If she’d just relax her shoulders and put her arms down she’d look fine.

Question about the opera gloves: are they standard for a state dinner like this? The Trump ladies seem to be the only ones wearing them. Michelle is the only one I’ve seen pull them off, because Arms.

I see Kate in the background smiling at Don Jr. Kate Middleton is canceled.

I don’t know; he seems kind of right for her, especially in retrospect. He’s rich but unassuming, pretty but not charismatic. In the beginning he was actually handsome, but I think years serving this administration has sucked any part of his soul from him and also Ivanka is probably training him to look more like a

He also shirked off questions about the Russia Trump Tower meeting with basically “I saw an email that said be here at 4:30 so I was there at 4:30; I didn’t read what it was about. I get like 250 emails a day.” Oh LOL, OK, so basically your standard Senior White House Adviser-level discretion. Just be places at times

Ugh, I hate to say this, but he used to be so cute. I think Ivanka is starting a project in which he looks more and more like her. I assume that along with your regimen, it also includes a diet of lettuce shakes and no protein.

YES! He’s got the same stare as Bob Durst. Shudder.

Thank you! I have invisible eyebrows and I can spot a filled-in brow a mile away.

That’s my problem, but I was afraid to say it for fear of coming off too heteronormative or something. But seriously, he does not look like a normal hetero cis man. His brows look very groomed; almost like someone filled them in with powder (as a blonde woman who needs to fill in her brows every day, I know what this

Now playing

Yes. I keep remembering the scene that Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas have in the locker room, where Michael Douglas is combing back his hair after a shower. That damp, longish hair at the nape of the neck is just so 1980s power douche looking. When I see it on someone like Trump I just imagine how silky it is, in

He still managed to insult the Mayor of London on his phone while landing in the very city and called for a boycott of a huge US corporation this morning, so I wouldn’t say he was subdued ALL day.

I’m not surprised that evangelicals are holding a “Pray for Donald Trump Day,” or that scores of Trump supporters think God ordained him to be president, or that Trump himself is quite enthusiastically embracing all this Christ-like adulation. I’m just having one of those moments where I look around and see that this

Funny story: I once interned for a few months for this crackpot woman that ran her own PR firm. By the time I got the internship she only had one employee left who was on his way out and I realized it was because she was severely chemically imbalanced and was physically abusive in the workplace.

Just clicked on the article and uhhhhhwhoa whoa whoa, how is no one talking about the purpose of the church visit? I thought it was to honor the victims of the VA Beach shooting but it was actually for a Pray for Donald Trump Day.

Ew. Yes, this.

Don’t you dare insult Zaddy Jorah like that!

Along with basically every other facet of his physical presentation, the back of Trump’s hair skeeves me the fuck out. It’s upsettingly long and always looks WET. It’s like his hair is stuck in the movie Wall Street and hasn’t caught up with the 21st century.

I agree: every time I see a picture of him or hear his voice my blood pressure rises. He is physically repulsive. His posture, the fit of his suits, the way he puckers out his lips like a grumpy toad, how he manspreads when he sits, he is just so fucking uncouth.

I was watching live coverage of them inspecting something in the palace together and he kept leaning over her shoulder and breathing down her neck. She kept moving an inch to the left, very demurely, but ughhh this guy is so socially obtuse.

Can we do this for everything? Can we build a set for the Oval Office? Can we just Truman Show his entire presidency and let him think it’s real? Only like, not broadcast it to the rest of the world?