I have this problem with “appearance.” I never know if the last part has an E or an A so I just take a beat and wait for spell check to correct me.
I have this problem with “appearance.” I never know if the last part has an E or an A so I just take a beat and wait for spell check to correct me.
It’s not a great business model, but what if all your food was served with a wry comment?
Sorry about your mom, but I was hoping that the thinly veiled self-deprecation/hyperbole in my comment would be more of an indictment of me than dyslexics?
Oh I’m sure no one corrected her.
See Cuncator’s response and watch that video. Ads targeting men are largely less critical than the ones targeting women.
I think the Spelling Bee is stupid as hell (especially now that I know that it’s basically a racket), but I will say that I immediately judge and caste down people who write things like “defanate” or mistake “effect” and “affect”, etc. This automatically makes you a peon and NOT WORTHY OF MY CONTINUED CORRESPONDENCE.
Unrelated but: any time someone introduces a guinea pig on a TV show it makes me nervous. I’m always scared Fleabag’s guinea pig is gunna get stepped on!
Also this picture is janky af. Why take a picture when it’s so steamy in there? And this was in 2013. Why take a picture with a Blackberry when you could use an iPhone? Just so many “whys”.
those thousands of people he claims to have seen celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11
The answer to all of this is America
I can’t tell if I’m sorry or not.
He’s not even keeping up with his own brand anymore. I concede that the tweet doesn’t admit full-blown guilt or collusion but it does demonstrate the fact that he’s totally aware Russia interfered and it’s all whatever. “I don’t care that I was fraudulently put in office, I just care that I won.”
i luv u
He’s still coherent enough to remember that when Donlad Trump wants to grope someone, he doesn’t ask for permission.
That’s all I got anymore. At this point there is literally nothing this man says or does that doesn’t remind me of an addled old maniac in a nursing home. Literally, he never says any sentence that considers anything that has happened in the world five feet from his own nose and five minutes before or after right now.…
That happened a few months ago for me. Someone posted a video of it on Facebook and it was like I was coming out of a coma. Because I literally could not have told you what Zoobilee Zoo if you asked me but after watching the theme song I realized it was something I had seen like 4 bazillion times.
Oh my god, this has been buried in my mind for probably 25 years. It’s crazy when you completely go black on something like this and then the Internet’s magic nostalgia machine jogs your memory.
Like you, all of my View news comes from this site, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that next year she’ll be backpedaling like crazy. She’ll either lie about being undecided until the last minute or come up with some nose-plug excuse like “well I hate Trump but I’m doing this for the good of the country and…
I think what you’re trying to read in his statement is an admission of guilt, when really what it is (and what’s shocking all the same) is admission of knowledge. He’s finally vocally accepting the reality that the rest of us are all living in (Russia interfered with our election and helped Trump win), when before he…