For anyone who’d like a primer on these amazing women, check out The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson. It’s a tragic but brilliant documentary. Also, like Paris is Burning, it’s filled with fascinating and strong queer people of color. DO IT!
For anyone who’d like a primer on these amazing women, check out The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson. It’s a tragic but brilliant documentary. Also, like Paris is Burning, it’s filled with fascinating and strong queer people of color. DO IT!
And the scary fact is it’s only going to get worse and worse the closer we get to November 2020.
This is exactly how I see Tom Brady, only slightly more intelligent.
The original wasn’t edgy on the whole; most of its cast like Amanda Bynes and Kenan & Kel were just wacky. But I think where it did have edge was a) its musical acts and b) Lori Beth Denberg, who to me seemed like a 36-year-old snarky ass woman in a teenager’s body. IIRC she did a skit with someone a few years ago…
Fine, but let me clarify: he’s the President because he won the Electoral College. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million people, and that’s nothing to sneeze at.
The movies extracted Pee Wee out of the Playhouse and put him in a normal everyday universe with normal adult people (as opposed to characters like Cowboy Curtis), but in like a serious way - not in a “we’re in on this joke” kind of way. Pee Wee was still the Pee Wee character, though, with a childlike attitude and a…
This is true, and you have a point, but one small nitpick: Trump wasn’t elected; Hillary was.
Gullah Gullah Island?
Ironically this was the softest, most kid-friendly thing Sid & Marty Kroft ever produced. Check out Lidsville and anything from HR Pufnstuf.
I loved Pee Wee as a kid but “sinister” is a spot-on label for the manic energy Pee Wee had. I think he dressed himself down well for a kid’s show, but as soon as he gave Pee Wee a narrative for the movies you could see how this character was always intended for adults. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and Big Top Pee Wee were…
You would think that people who are most certainly taking psychotropic drugs would at least be inventive enough to use some attractive colors. I know the color palate is the least problematic thing about Sid & Marty Kroft, but seriously, all their puppets look like rotten avocados.
Mitch McConnell is probably the only person in office (followed closely by Lindsay) that I revile as much as Trump. For a 400-year-old toe he sure does act like the bitchiest popular girl in high school.
While I fully 1000% agree with your medical assessment (and have been screaming the same thing myself for the past two years), Republicans don’t give a shit. They don’t care that the man they prop up on a podium is diabetic senile lunatic who is probably wearing a diaper and yelling at spiders. In fact, they prefer it…
No. I admire him for speaking publicly but this is just another statement that Trump and Co. will read as TOTAL EXONERATION, even though it is clearly not that at all. (almost the opposite, if you ask me; Mueller basically said Trump wasn’t indicted because he was president, not because he was innocent)
I’m unclear, but I’m also doubtful this fucker will ever get impeached. It would never pass the Senate anyway, and definitely not with a redacted report.
if I want to watch non simulated sex scenes, I’ll go watch me some porn, ok?