I don’t know anything about this dude but the glasses alone are enough to throw him in jail SANS TRIAL
I don’t know anything about this dude but the glasses alone are enough to throw him in jail SANS TRIAL
True. I meant the “themselves” that existed before they decided to start hating women and blaming the world for their problems.
I’m imagining a dick pic from someone with “dinosaur egg-sized” balls and to me it looks like a hotdog resting on a loaf of bread.
Yeah, I really wouldn’t mind that at all! Less to obstacles to work around.
Exactly. There’s not a whole lot of “involuntary” in the “involuntary” part of “incel.” These men are willfully choosing to hate women and society. When they could just like, you know, go out and date and be themselves like the rest of us do.
Remember when dudes were getting all upset at Gillette’s Super Bowl ad because commercials shouldn’t tell men what to do?
I only have one condition about my man’s balls and it is Be Smaller Than Dinosaur Eggs Please.
Ditto. I’ve never been put off by them but I would say if I had to argue about their size the tighter and less obstructive the better? I certainly would not be thrilled if a guy dropped his pants and had FRICKEN DINOSAUR EGG BALLS.
Yes, that. What gets Christian off - what he pursues - is removing any of Anastasia’s agency. He wants to tell her what to do everywhere from the bedroom to the office (honestly, he fucking BUYS the publishing house she’s working for so he can make her - a 22-year-old assistant - chief fucking editor). I think EL…
I mean the thing about stalking is I can begin to understand why some women find it romantic (hear me out) and why we have songs like “Every Breath You Take” and stuff. It’s flattering to know that someone is infatuated with you, plain and simple. It’s an enormous ego boost to know that someone literally can’t control…
50 Shades did start out as a Twilight fic and took the anti-feminist message at Twilight’s core and blew it out to the fucking sun. It’s not only bad “BDSM” (ask anyone in the BDSM community about it and I’ll bet they’d say the only authentic thing about it are the props mentioned - props that basically any person…
I have no idea where that generation got that idea about quotation marks. Quotation marks indicate that someone (whether proverbial or specific) other than the author conceived of or said whatever is inside them. They take the accountability OFF the author, in other words, which is why they’re so frequently used in a…
I thought that was pretty clear:
Quotation marks can be used in place of italics when italics are not available
Then there are also the women who are obsessed with the virginity of other women.
True: Congress is the Board. But assuming we’re the shareholders, if this was a company, half of us would dump our stock and a massive boycott would be launched. The Board would have then sacked the CEO before the company files for bankruptcy.
Ha. Yes, he’s an illiterate tapioca-brained imbecile, but I contend that he is (*is*) (“is”) consistent when using quotation marks for emphasis (although sometimes he also uses them skeptically, aka correctly; my argument is that they are always his punctuation of choice for emphasis). Here are some examples of him…
I thought their complaint wasn’t so much of them being undeserving of sex/relationships, as it was that the women who they want to have sex with had been stolen from them by more attractive men. It’s always someone else’s fault.
I don’t know. Their whole argument is that they are owed consensual sex - just on the basis of their intelligence/wit/existence as a man - but don’t get it because women are vapid, superficial bitches who’d rather fuck a millionaire or model. Paying for sex would only corroborate that idea (“No one will have sex with…