One wonders what has to give before our leaders start treating these maniacs at the same level.
One wonders what has to give before our leaders start treating these maniacs at the same level.
From what I’ve read about these guys, they want an attractive woman to have sex with them. That’s it. I’ve not seen them complain about the lack of a relationship, only the lack of sex.
I wish I could take this comment out of the grays.
I have a running theory that I’ve shared here that Trump thinks quotation marks are the same as italics or asterisks. He uses them for emphasis. His tweet looks much more true to his inner monologue when you swap them out:
It’s been said time and time again, but to the idiots who voted for this guy because CEO = good president: If this presidency were a company Trump would have been fired 504 times by now.
I think deep down he just likes to be angry.
I said this above, but I don’t think reality television is entirely to blame. There are plenty of rational people (like me) who indulge in the cesspool of reality TV but can still distinguish between trashy entertainment and literal policy.
Most of them—-in the U.S. anyway—-have the same career-path leading to late-night—-the writers’ room of a sketch/comedy show (see: Conan, Meyers, Fallon, Colbert).
Fine, maybe he’s not “mediocre,” but he certainly isn’t unique or different. At least not in any way that brings a new dynamic to the late night universe. He’s an inoffensive white guy, just like 100% of his peers.
Don’t forget that Jewish string bean his hot daughter married
I have a coworker who voted for him and does the same thing. I try not to bring up anything political or current-events-related in front of her because of where I know she stands, but in the off chance something comes up she brushes off her ignorance with “oh I don’t watch the news, it’s just so…
And, no disrespect to your dad, the fact that they’re willing to suffer a man this hateful, childish, and globally embarrassing in exchange for policies that are stupid at best and oppressive at worst is simply tragic in my view.
As someone who used to consume hours and hours of reality television every week, I respectfully disagree. I can enjoy 13 prostitutes drunkenly fighting over the lead singer of Poison and still know what’s objectively bad for this country.
Thank you for this! That’s a neat story. :)
THIS. This is the question I want to ask Trump supporters. I also want to watch one of his pressers in the same room with them and ask them to look me in the eye and tell me, truthfully, that they are watching a sane person presenting himself. None of them will or can. And the fact that a third of the population is…
That’s a great question. I can’t answer it myself, but I will offer up my theory that Trump doesn’t want to do any literal work or execution, and his base doesn’t care if he does either. He just wants to be the winner/king/champion, and his base wants him to because he’s a white man who demanded that.
I love that they’re the same people always screaming to RESPECT THA TROOOOOOPS*.
Trump is a movie where an old racist grandpa switches places with his entitled teen princess granddaughter but both of them exist in the same ugly body.