
Not to make my personal biases known, or anything, but James Kennedy’s horrible girlfriend Raquel Leviss got a job at SUR, which sucks, because who is gunning for her continued involvement on this show?

The problem with this theme (and yes, there’s a lot of potential) is that the Met Gala itself is camp. You basically show up in a very expensive, very fancy costume. You exaggerate. But there are usually boundaries to work within, like Catholicism or punk or technology or the work of integral designers.

I initially thought this as well and actually think it would make for a more fun theme. It creates a much clearer sandbox for these dummies to play in.

Why did no one show up as Little Edie in the Best Kawss-chume For The Day? I feel like so many people missed the mark here.

You’ll notice I’m not arguing about where Ghost ends up; I’m mad about the fact that he put his life on the line for Jon (several times, including this last one and lost an ear) and Jon can’t do so much as frown at him before walking away.

This comment is the only spin-off Game of Thrones needs. Get thee to AO3 and start writing immeedjutly.

I agree; it’s mostly Jon’s fault. I just think that Sansa is the one who most wants peace and stability (and certainly not Dany on the Throne), and telling Tyrion is laying the groundwork for another civil war.

Nope. Ghost is a Good Boy who wants pats.

Thanks, I’m starting a petition on to get Jon to pet Ghost. Please sign.

I guess I kind of know that; I just mean she’s sewing discord when she really needs everyone to be at peace. She might be getting Dany out of the way but she’s also breeding a situation that creates another civil war. Or Jon is, since he told everyone in the first place.


I apologize if I triggered anyone; that guy was terrifying.

Agreed. To everyone complaining about the “jet pack” theory I’m sort of like... well, do you want to spend three episodes watching these people travel or do you want to actually watch shit happen.

Tyrion was a great commander during Blackwater, but I agree, I can’t see why any of Dany or Jon’s men would follow him into battle (he’s small and he’s a Lannister, and lately he’s been very hesitant and scared-looking). But I do think he’d make an excellent ruler. I hate that Dany is blaming him for all her problems

Totally. That dude was dead so many times in that Battle. I totally think the show could’ve gotten away with killing Sam for good. His survival feels like fan service - just like the Arya/Gendry and Brienne/Jaime sex scenes do.

Fine, get a normal sized white German shepherd, I don’t care. GHOST DESERVED BETTER.

And how is there a new Prince of Dorne when they showed the entire Martell bloodline end?

When Dany rolled up and got all the oppressed citizens on her side was also when she was operating at 100%. She usually had three big dragons, money, and at some point, a whole army of Unsullied. Now two of her most trusted advisers are dead (and the other two are arguing about treason), so are two of her dragons, her

Yes, this! Especially if you don’t have enough money left over for the CGI (and even with that I take issue, Ghost deserves it). Honestly the things these writers choose to spend time on are seriously dubious. We have to spend 15 minutes a piece watching Arya and Brienne lose their V-cards but we can’t have 5 seconds