So dumb of Sansa but I kind of get why she’d want to tell Tyrion. Girl is frustrated as fuck. But this is not the way to get Dany on your side, Sansa.
So dumb of Sansa but I kind of get why she’d want to tell Tyrion. Girl is frustrated as fuck. But this is not the way to get Dany on your side, Sansa.
I’m excited for Clegane Bowl! Even though The Mountain is technically already dead and The Hound won’t have the satisfaction of watching The Mountain realize his brother killed him.
Seriously! Why is this so expensive? Ghost was the runt of the litter so he can be like, a normal sized wolf. I get that animating a dragon getting shot out of the sky costs a lot of coin but this is Ghost’s series departure. He’s a fan favorite and we never saw him. I think you can prioritize a little bit of…
NO. Jon sucks. Ghost is a Brave Boy. He deserves some pats.
I know!!! Look at how beat up and miserable that poor good dog is! He did that FOR YOUR STUPID ASS.
Same. I never really cared about wet blanket ass Jon before but now HE DED 2 ME
SERIOUSLY. It’s the last time we’re gunna see Ghost! You can find some money for that.
I think he’s talking about Brienne.
The lack of resources they have at this point is laughable, and it makes Dany’s haste to get into King’s Landing all the more disappointing.
Jaime! What the shit!
My friend texted me last night “SO MUCH UNNECESSARY BONING.” Why the hell do we need to do this for Arya and Brienne when they’ve spent the whole show propagating this narrative of “I’m not a lady/ I don’t need a lord/ I’m a badass fighter/ etc etc.”
Jon’s battle plan against the undead army was a massive failure and everyone continues to drink Jon’s bath water as the hero that can do no wrong; even when he fails on a massive scale.
One of the things people complain about is the rapid fire time pacing these last seasons have adopted, but it doesn’t bother me. I can suspend my disbelief, for one, and I can also imagine that single episodes happen over the course of a few weeks (like this one for example: a week or two to clean up Winterfell, a…
You’d get it if you watched the show, for one. For another, the incest undercurrent isn’t an “appeal,” it’s an ugly truth about the world Game of Thrones lives in.
Dorne is being massively underused lately. First, we never saw what happened to Ellaria (other than watching her daughter die of poison). Then, we never get an explanation as to who took up the throne in Dorne or how he got there, even though the writers obviously know this is a problem. We know the writers know from…
Would it have been better for her to move her troops from the North to the Vale and allow everyone time to recuperate?
He didn’t even nod. Jon not saying goodbye to his VERY GOOD BOY SUCH A GOOD BOY HANDSOME MAN DOGGIE is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened on this show.
I just wish she hadn’t turned into such a blubbery lovesick dumdum. She’s a knight; she has no time for that kind of drama.