
Yeah, my female doctor at the time in the ER room put a hand on my shoulder and said: "It is in fact worse than child birth."

This is also the story of how much the manufacturing-based prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s owes to government investments in private infrastructure in the 1940s.

It's a matter of averages akin to saying that there's a theft every 29 seconds in America. They were cranking out 300-400 planes each month. For a 30-day month that means 10 or more every day if the factory was open 7 days a week. The parts were made in one factory and then sent to the plant where they were assembled.

And then we sent all that production capacity overseas because of course moar moneys.

The Motor City! When America needed her she came through and built the tools needed to win the war.

Screw it. You can do it at my place.

This is a really good point. What we call family planning today was called eugenics in the 20s and 30s. Yes, Sanger had racist ideas, and also advocated for sterilizing certain populations (not really racial ones) — but she never wrote a book or tract about how family planning should be used to eliminate blacks or

Anthropologist here. Calling Margaret Mead a racist is idiotic; her inclusion only shows the ignorance of the author (who has clearly not read "Coming of Age in Samoa"). As Mead says "I wrote this book as a contribution to our knowledge of how much human character and human capacities and human well-being of young

Probably because the only people who ever bring up Sanger's racism are almost always right-to-lifers?

I totally hate this situation—it sucks to not have enough women to field your team, or to have to turn to women who are not at all into being there.

Ah, the good old days. William Buckley is no doubt spinning in his grave at the fact that these whackadoos are now the standard bearer for modern conservatism.

Two people with small children and a powerful job? I imagine you get it when you can. And if when you can is on Air Force fucking One, then go at it with gusto and often! I would be tearing off my clothes as I boarded if Mr. Quagmire or I were ever president.

I'm asthmatic, and it's always been well managed. When I was 18 I contracted the flu - not a bad cold or the sniffles, but influenza, good and proper. My GP treated it as a simple chest infection, sending me home with a five day course of antibiotics and instructions to increase how often I took my inhalers. Four

#26 Flu vaccines died in Vietnam
#27 Flu vaccines knew about Pearl Harbor days ahead of time
#28 Flu vaccines collapsed into their own footprint in defiance of laws of physics I just made up
#29 Flu vaccines were born in Kenya

Bravo. Keep fighting the good fight! Anti-vaccination people drive me nuts.

NASA has predicted the surface of the planet will resemble a pan of brownies. When reached for a comment, the director of NASA simply said "Om nom nom."