
There was a thread on another post where we were talking about the fact that many rapists don’t consider themselves rapists. There was a survey where men responded that they had committed a number of acts that are in fact rape, but then answered that they were not rapists. We as

I hate when I hear women talking about real women have curves, etc because hello, what? and this is coming from someone curvy! it’s so dumb.

Okay, everyone, repeat after me...

I really do think that any group that has men in charge of children will have sexual abuse problems

Just FYI, you don’t need a penis to sexually assault someone.

Donald “i like people who weren’t captured” Trump said something offensive about servicemembers? Donald let-me-antagnoize-the-grieving-parents-of-a-man-who-died-for-our-country Trump said something offensive about servicemembers?

The alternative is to stop telling victims to go to campus police instead of the city’s police. University police are more concerned with keeping things quiet than in providing justice.

I have never been so happy to have liberal parents than I have been this election. My mother can’t even say Trumps name without sneering.

Oh my God, I just have to share this, folks!

what the fuck is going on in evangelicals’ households?

Evangelicals voted for Trump in the primaries, too, before they had any idea who his VP pick would be.

What exactly about his record is not malicious toward women’s rights? This is blatant anti-woman policy;

You give Pence far more credit than I do, and more than I think is reasonable. I don’t really see Trump covering up his sexism or racism either. Those are things he wants his base to see and hear, because he thinks there are enough white men and self-haters who share those views to carry him to victory. I don’t think

I was raped by someone I thought I knew very well- I had never seen it coming. And the thing is, I don’t believe he thought what he was doing was wrong. His behavior was so ingrained he thought it was perfectly okay. I wonder if a lot of men don’t rape under just those circumstances, if they aren’t completely blinded

If she wasn’t there what’s the point in talking about her fuckability? It only establishes dominance if she is there.

The person continued: ‘‘Everyone is trying to make him stop talking, and the woman is shrinking in her seat.’’

I’m white, my son is white and I specifically have instructed him to not have long conversations with police. He knows to call 911 for fire, fighting, bleeding and other emergencies. But I’ve also explained to him that if police want to ask him questions, the only appropriate answer is “where is my mom? I cannot

He was stripped of the right to carry due to the child abuse and domestic abuse and the department went to battle on his behalf to reinstate that right to him. Fuck them. Fuck this. Fuck that officer.

I’ve known a few people who decided to become cops, and I know there was definite power issues going on with most of them. Also, gun envy.

My father was violent/abusive towards my mom, me and my brothers. The first and only time I ever called the cops on him they took me outside, went and talked to my dad first (which is against protocol) and then came outside and told me I needed to be a better daughter and obey my dad and one of them poked me in my