a brilliant future as a fictional writer
a brilliant future as a fictional writer
1) Bill Clinton is not running for president
More important, women with opinions and women who fight back.
“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”
Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.
Yeah I’m right there with you but on the other hand boys will be boys, locker room talk, banter, only words & so on.
and one column simply marked, ‘kill.’
My parents are by no means religious, but they do believe that gay marriage or physical relationships with the same sex are wrong and will often feign disgust or groan whenever something is shown on TV or mentioned in the media. Please don’t take this the wrong way but I was comforted by your comment as I know I will…
My first reaction to this news was to laugh—it was only after a friend ranted on Facebook about the anti-homosexuality in Chick’s comics (I had never seen those) that I remembered how disturbed I was by some of the Hellfire ones I had seen in junior high. They seem so ridiculous to me as a grownup, but at the time I…
Also, this flawless line of reasoning:
Thank you. It makes me sad that so many people just seem to think that these tracts were harmless fun.
No, Lisa will reject the significance of piety because of her devout parents who abuse her and cover up for each other and so she’ll burn in Hell forever like she deserves as Jesus explains to her that she’s morally worse than her molesting father.
Amen. My family left these under my pillow. They were just horrendous. It is why -to this day- I can’t laugh at the Christian religious nuts. They were just traumatzing. And don’t get me started about the creepy guy who had a van at every county fair He would invite us up to get these, and THEN he’d hand out candy.
I still have a visceral reaction to these—I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eye roll at them.
Yeah. Chick tracks are considerably less funny when you realize that many people legitimately followed their “teachings” and bullied their kids into committing suicide.
You needed to move in specific circles, in particular crossing paths with the wing-nuttier breed of evangelical. There are more of them in the South, but they’re everywhere. I guess you never served in the military? Seemed like every place I served had one guy passing out Chick tracts.
This is me today:
Yes I also learned this exact thing in church!
A diagram of this has been floating around my Facebook feed for weeks, usually passed on by elderly relatives who suspect that modern women want all abortions/all the time and that they use abortion as casually and light-heartedly as just another method of birth control. Sure, guys. A $500+ procedure (which isn’t…
This is a result of many people who only get their medical info from Breitbart and pro-life websites. There are people who actually believe TRAP laws are needed because they think Kermit Gosnell’s clinic was the standard - rather than what happens when you make legal abortion so difficult to obtain that women find…