
What exactly does that mean in real life, Ka Mai? Just how does one “disapprove of homosexuality" aside from simply not liking it? In the case of Kim Davis, she stood between a gay couple and a stable, married life. What does it mean to you?

If you knowingly participate in events that attract speakers who argue that kind of thing, you are complicit. “Disapproving of homosexuality” means actively making harmful laws that target gay people when you are in this asshat’s position. Saying “well, he doesn’t want them murdered, he just doesn’t approve of them”

Until he publically rails against that type of rhetoric, he is condoning that rhetoric, especially if he’s going to share a stage with it.

in the parlance of conservatives is a “pro-family” group, has a long history of anti-LGTBQ political activity

There was someone at that event who actually argues that gay people should be put to death, so....

For the scholarships, duh. It’s just an amazing coincidence none of the winners have acne or weight problems.

Vapid people who love the idea of being and or watching people get judged like meat. Beauty pageants and body building competitions are monuments to superficiality. That being said, I personally think child and teen pageants should be banned. Adult competitions are fine though, no one is holding a gun to these men and

The fact that he’s self-aware and in on the joke is a big part of it. Lookswise he is Chris Pine adjacent but in terms of personality he’s all about switching the script. This probably has something to do with his (real) background as a male stripper. He’s smart enough despite the tater comments—his success is proof

Yes. I’m sorry. Seek help.

Mamanova called them pedophilia parades. Someone in the family said that she should enter my sister and I into a pageant at one point. (We actually were cute kids but then again what kid isn’t cute?) They even offered to pay for it mom said no, and the only people who go to those things are child molesters. It never

Future Ex Mrs. Trumps.

I once bought a gluten free cookie because it was made with maple syrup and whole almonds, so I couldn’t resist.... and it tasted like sand (well, maple syrup flavoured sand with whole almonds in it).

Usually when I’ve been accused of being “politically correct” it’s because when someone uses the term “retarded” I do not let it pass by without comment. I stand by that.

Those people have always been able to hide though, and they always will be. The only time they dont is when they dont need to and when we get to that point, we cant do anything about it.

Thank you for bringing this up! I mean the Dixie Chicks were absolutely lambasted for speaking out against Bush. Fast forward today and you have people in Congress and the Senate openly calling President Obama a liar. I’m looking at you Joe Wilson!

Yeah, I always take people whining about “political correctness” as “I can’t say racist, bigoted, misogynist, etc. etc. things about people.”

I’m also taken aback whenever people insist that country music is “family friendly.” As if drinking, sex, and cheating haven’t been prominently featured from the get-go.

Ironically, the Right and Country Music in general have their own version of political correctness. The Dixie Chicks dared to say what they think, and despite that their views were aligned with the majority of Americans, they offended the Right’s sense of what is politically correct and they were blacklisted from the

I know when I think of country music, “politically correct” is definitely the first descriptor that comes to mind.