
In a perfect world, where contraception never fails, women are never raped or accidentally “fall” pregnant, might DIE if she carries to term, the fetus is beyond saving outside of the womb, she has three kids and is a single mom stretched to the fiscal limits... Hell even if “I want to end it” is the reason - it’s

No. It’s the same patronizing bullshit prettied up with “social justice” rhetoric.

Or simply, I don’t like kids or I don’t want to be a mom or I don’t want to put my body through pregnancy or I feel absolutely no moral obligation to treat a tiny cluster of cells as anything more valuable than the blood in my tampon every month.

I think it makes sense from the fiction that they are believing. My response is that their fiction should be corrected rather than embraced. Life does not begin at conception. Fetuses do not have rights. And there is nothing inherently immoral about abortion or inherently more moral about carrying a pregnancy to term.

Right, or any other reason a woman might choose to terminate a pregnancy because she doesn’t want to carry it to term.

“They think that if you have a society in which wealth is more equally distributed, where there is universal healthcare, better education, increased minimum wage etc. people won’t make these decisions. ”

Right. What these people, and Flying Squid, don’t understand, is that the “pro-life until birth” criticism only highlights one aspect of hypocrisy of the typical pro-life position. It is not THE problem. THE problem is the attempt to control what a woman can do with her body.

Yup, their language is making the huge assumption that all women are okay carrying a child to term and then giving birth. I just plain do not want to do that, no matter how many social safety nets are in place.

From the article:

I get that, but if you scratch their surface, they want it outlawed. They're trying to thread a needle that they don't actually believe in. Their coherence is masking an oppressive position that is bad for women.

They want to take away a woman’s right to choose, period. Sure, they want to do lots of great stuff that will mostly likely lower the abortion rate. I’m all for it. But they want to make having an abortion illegal. That’s a no-go for me. They are kinder and gentler than Republican anti-choicers, that’s all.

If you actually take the time to read the article their positions make a whole lot of sense

I mean...I work in that exact position, stocking retail in the Fashion department. It would take maybe 2 minutes to move the items back, because generally we know where everything goes. Save a little of your righteous indignation for a worthier cause.

My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.

Dealing with mentally ill people can be difficult, yes, but that difficulty isn’t connected to any possible abuse. Men who beat mentally ill women don’t do it because mentally ill people are so difficult to deal with and the men really tried not to beat and strangle them but just failed because of the strains of the

Or it could be that her fiance really is abusing her. Jumping to the conclusion that a woman asking for help when her romantic partner is hurting her is automatically crazy? Not cool, man, not cool.

That happened to me, but the gyno went along with my mom’s request. And then told me that tampons can break a hymen and that no decent husband would want me if my hymen was broken. And yes, this happened in America.

Yes, that too. Parents already have so much power over their children’s lives and decisions; when they hold deeply regressive beliefs, they can screw up their daughters’ lives completely.

Another reason a teenage girl might not want to tell her parents she's pregnant might be pressure or force to marry the guy.

And kids who will be completly legally responsible for a tiny human being if they choose to parent. I never understood how a kid is not mature enough to choose to end their pregnancy but they’re somehow mature enough to raise a child. . . .