
As someone who lives in the country, and has to bring their PC into town if I need to hook it up to the internet; Steam is the worst DRM out there. Their offline mode kicks me out every couple of weeks IF I'm careful, and my one year old doesn't turn my computer off if I'm not looking. They are the only ones who don't

I don't believe it's pretty much just EA.

Neither has Iran or North Korea.

Then it does this:

Maybe, finally: We will get Night Trap 2.

It's more of a shame that the vast majority of those negatives are completely avoidable, and actually cost more money to implement them than to not.

It kinda looks more like it wants to get the tape caught inside if you ask me.

Now playing

Don't know why, but the animation of that game immediately reminded me of the one for the Warcraft adventure game that was never released.

In all fairness, nobody was calling the Wii, or any other system prior to that a Wii U. (Although, I'm kind of surprised there isn't some Big Brain Academy-type game already called that. Or there could be, I don't care enough to look.)

My kid just chewed the cord of my 360 controller. Looks like I'm waiting to replace it.

I don't care about the games. I just want a system that can play them... Which for me, this one can't.

Congratulations, Microsoft. Outside of the one "big" town of 500 of so people in my county, I could in all seriousness count your entire current POTENTIAL customer base of those living in my county with all of my fingers and toes if this is true based totally on how many people have any sort of non-dialup non-mobile

So you basically need the internet to activate your game, so that way it can be tied into an account?

It better have future 8 track support.

Did they lock them out of the AH, or did they ban them from playing their single player game?


I can't find any used Hitman Absolution's anymore on EB Games Canada. Must have been a mistake.

According to that chart, they still have the Blue Jays payroll still playing.