Use your brain: Don't pick Zangief.
If they replaced the back touchpad with L2/3 R2/3 buttons, I'd use it over my OLED Vita.
This more than makes up for them not getting it until later.
It was either the Kings, or star in the Bollywood version of "My Giant".
The Raiders suck so badly that if they move to San Antonio, the Spurs will start losing too.
I still can't get over $2B for the Clippers.
I wish this was on PSN.
In all fairness, we were playing with 12 guys on the field, and got 20 points off of rouge's.
50's wasn't as bad as that one. The Mets sure know how to pick 'em.
She throws better than Carly Rae Jepson.
Are you not allowed to have a paper airplane in Japan without a pilots' license as well?
Are you friends with Jr. too?
They should figure out a way of getting Suikoden 2 on there. Sony clearly doesn't want that money.
The problem with JRPGs is that with the last generation of consoles, the battle systems that were implemented for the most part, sucked.
My best friend likes the original games AND this one as well. I didn't know those people existed either.
The problem has been that a lot of the battle systems they (and other companies that have released JRPGs) have used for this past generations' console has just plain sucked. I had got to the point where I wish they wouldn't try something new and go back to one of the many systems that worked. I thought the Star Ocean…
Since it was in a gated community, George Zimmerman accused him of trespassing but forgot his gun this time.
Is there a DRM-free direct download for the game that doesn't require Steam?