
My doctor put me on Advair many years ago, and it was very helpful... until I found out how much it cost (even WITH my insurance!). And then I simply couldn’t afford it. Luckily my asthma has been much more manageable since then (my asthma was being made worse at the time by an environmental factor at my work; I got a

Wait, her name is spelled “Jepsen?” All this time I’ve been calling her “Jespen!”

I love that he didn’t even provide the results of the polygraph (which aren’t admissible evidence anyway), he just claims that he took it. “I totally took a polygraph that proves I’m innocent, you guys! You’ll have to take my word on it, but it’s definitely legit...”

So Super Star Wars is on PS4, but what about the (IMHO superior) Super Empire Strikes Back?

“P-38s have Samuel L Jackson’s wallet”

Yeah, the dedication to her was really lovely. It was well worth the extra couple of minutes of bladder distress to see it.

I’m not crying, you’re crying!

My only question is: was this comic written BEFORE Brie Larsen was cast as Captain Marvel (funny), or AFTER (even funnier)?

I recognized McMahon at the beginning, but I must admit I never realized till now how much he and Marsters look alike.

I was just thinking the other day that, if (and we know it’s going to happen) Alabama does elect him, we have to make damn sure that they are branded with it forever. They will forever be the “ChoMo State.” Jokes about child molesters will be as common for people who reveal that they are from Alabama as jokes about

There was that moment in the first episode where she seemed focused on a couple of girls who were making out on the dance floor. I think they’re keeping that aspect of her character, they’ve just put it on the back burner.

“I don’t call retarded people ‘retards.’ I call my friends ‘retards’ when they’re acting retarded!”

Having watched the rest of the season, yeah, if the violence in the first episode is too much for you you’d better stop there.

To be fair to Chase that would be an awkward conversation. I could see why an immature teen might put it off for a while.

Comic-reader discussion ensuing, so SPOILER WARNING:

After getting a better look, I’m about 75% sure that Disgusting Crusty Man is actually Disgusting Crusty Woman. I’m pretty sure I made out the shape of breasts beneath those bandages.

My guess is they nixed Molly’s parents to avoid the “mutant” issue.

Don’t forget the one where a tyrannosaurus eats them!

“This is just between you and me, smashed hat.”

Yeesh. Is it too late to just saw Alabama off and set it adrift, Bugs Bunny-style?