
Reminds me of the “Society of the Crossed Keys” from The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The funny thing about the beach scene is that it was an accident. He was originally supposed to swim up to the beach, but hr stepped on a sandbar and rose dramatically out of the water.

Kim Jong-Un.

Yeaaah... America’s education system sucks, and history tends to be first on the chopping block (people who went to American high schools, quick: name a history teacher who wasn’t a coach!). Add in crazy religious private schools that can pretty much teach whatever they want and you have a very uninformed (but

Pretty sure “not drawing in the Bible” was not one of Luther’s 95 theses.

Yeah, I want to yell at those people, “it’s called ‘illumination!’ Look it up, ya ignorant sons-of-bitches!”

Y’know, if those haters bothered to actually learn anything about the history of Christianity, they would know that people used to draw in their Bibles all the time...

Trump doesn’t necessarily have to fire the first shot. There are at least a few world leaders out there crazy enough to start a nuclear war against a president who insults them enough, and Trump is known for having no filter.

The problem is, despite the parallels between the W/Cheney and Trump/Pence situation, W was at least smart enough to know not to nuke the world into oblivion.

Retail. I happen to live in a fairly low-wage state (though, to be fair, it also has one of the lowest costs-of-living).

Your starting pay is more than I make after my last raise.

Back when I was working fast food (I’ve now moved up to retail... yay?), I once got into a conversation with one of the managers at my store. She was the 2nd Assistant manager, which meant she was the third highest-ranking person in the entire store (out of, say twenty-five or so people). She told me how much she

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are... Wind-Up Fish Dildo!”

I want to print that post out and stick it on my wall.

That article makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall. How can so many people be so f*!king stupid?!

Okay, this doctor sounds like a crazy person. Fitting for Trump, I suppose, but still it’s bizarre. I honestly don’t know whether to think it’s a good thing or a bad thing that Trump’s chief medical advisor seems to have taken a break from reality.

It is, but only because that means we’ll be stuck with Pence, who’s arguably even worse.

You know... I get how people can be sucked in by this stuff, I really do. But this is just ridiculous. At least the guy who rushed into the pizza place with the machine gun has the excuse that he (supposedly) thought there were children in there who needed rescue, regardless of how idiotic that clearly is to the rest

I tend to do songs that I can fit the pet’s name into. My current cat is named River, si I sometimes do a variation on Colonel Bogey’s March:

Also in OK. Had a rather trying week when my heater went out Friday before last and nothing to he repairman did seemed to fix it. Ended up going a week without heat, but I got a new heater and it was installed this past driday: just in time it would seem. It’s currently 6 degrees where I am.