Just state up front that you would like the sandwich without mayo. This is a normal request and it’s easy to accommodate because they shouldn’t be putting it on your sandwich in the first place. If you feel that you really need to up the level of kitchen attentiveness just say that you have an egg allergy. If your

Oh give me a fucking break. People can care about more than one thing at a time.


For the most part, the comments about Ronda Rousey last night were pretty much as expected... mostly “she’s the best”, “what a bad ass” and the occasional “that’s a woman????” thrown in for spice. But, one comment, totally meant to be complimentary kind of riled me up. Someone then said I was overreacting and really

I’ve always harbored a secret wish to get into MMA.

What’s worse, bang a dude you’re not into for an hour, or wring your brain dry doing speechwriting for Huckabee?

and I’m sure they’d prefer you.

I understand, but at some point you just have to accept that everyone has a really skeevy sexual fetish and it's usually a blessing that we’ll never know.

I too had to google “tribbing.” It’s basically scissoring.


Is she fucking the father? That's the only theory I can come up with for why this vile moron seems more concerned about the father getting what he wants instead of what's best for the kids. Judges like her are evil. That sounds hyperbolic but until you've dealt with a judge or a police officer or any person with

If you didn't sign it for racist/misogynist reasons, then they weren't talking about you. There are many people who specifically did sign it for racist/misogynist reasons, as evidenced by the comments they left with their signatures. #NotAllPetitionSigners

And gamergaters and rabid puppies only care about ethics in gaming journalism and honesty in sci fi literature awards respectively. *jerk off motion*

So the other 100,000 people who are signing it are racists/misogynists. But the reason you dislike her is, of course, a lone and noble opinion in the sea of evil.

Name one ‘thriving’ feminist subreddit. I’m a member of several feminist subs, and none of them are thriving compared to places like RedPill and MensRights, whose opinions are reflected and upvoted daily in default subs like /r/funny and /r/videos. The Reddit culture is inherently antifeminist, racist, transphobic. It

“hate the petition and those signing it as they are racist/misogynists but it is increasingly looking like she is a fucking terrible CEO.”

Keep telling yourself that - did you actually read the comments on the petition you signed? The word ‘cunt’ was literally at the top of the new comments when I looked at the petition. If you don’t want to be an asshole by association, maybe don’t use Reddit.

Just because they rallied around a woman for three days (congrats, that’s like 42 months in Internet Years) does some somehow excuse them from all the other bullshit from the past.