Yes, you can, and then if they don’t like the answers, you get out of jury duty. :)

There is an underlying assumption here that somehow some jurors are unbiased and some are biased. The science says that there is essentially no such thing as an unbiased juror.

I read this as:

If a potential juror answers that they were a victim of a crime, the follow-up is “can you remain unbiased?”

Now, I’m not one of those fancy lawyers you see running around these parts.

I think the more insulting part is the memo saying to actually read the script.

Mr Stodden is not merely shlubby. He’s creepy as hell. And not just because he’ll always be Eugene Victor Tooms to me.

This top looks tragic.

Yeah, well, can they walk around with a wallet, a sexist calculator, and a computer mouse on their chests?!?!

You know this wouldnt be half of the nothing that it is, if you guys didnt make a story about it.

You know, as a woman who is attracted to other women, I say this bullshit is the least attractive crap in the world. I’m all for do your own thing but some self-satisfied post with fucking quarters stacked on your fucking collarbone does not light my fire (unless maybe you had stacked them vertically and managed to


Why are you feeding the beast by posting this crap? Most of us wouldn’t even know thigh gaps or quarter challenges were a thing it wasn’t for Jezebel. You don’t get to flaunt your feminist badge when you are actually perpetuating the problem. Blarf.

You have no idea how many hours of future mental anguish you have saved me. Seriously. Also, my god is she pretty.

I don't THINK most people have ab-shaped intestines. But I'm not a medical expert.

I was one of those girls that got nicknames like "beanpole" and "stick girl" (I thought "Blair Witch Project" — for those creepy stick dolls in the movie — was the most creative), and I remember still having PLENTY of skin folds (probably more than I do now, at a heavier weight, actually) — and I was constantly

Just FYI on the before pictures - they are RAW image files (large files meant to preserve the maximum amount of visual information possible) which always look greyish and dull before processing. The photographer deliberately lights and shoots in a way that gives the post processor the maximum possible creative leeway

To be completely honest, it does me, too.

The folds under her arms and on her torso on the pictures where her body is contorted were reassuring for me. I've been trying to lose weight and get in shape, so it's kind of a bummer to see/feel folds when you move around (especially on the front of your armpit, ugh). I'd never seen that on someone with, as Mean

I'll go ahead and admit it: Seeing Doutzen's frown lines — specifically the angry 11s — makes me feel better about mine. I think, depending on the individual, this sort of reality check can be powerful.