Especially with the logitech profiler, which lets you set up different button layouts for different games and map buttons to keyboard keys. This lets me play even unsupported games easily.
The new Tamora Pierce novel "Battle Magic" comes out this month too.
I use for this. It has a calendar of all my shows that has the earliest air time for each show and streaming links. It also keeps track of which episodes I have watched, and has a running list of unwatched and upcoming episodes.
All You Need is Kill is an awesome light novel. It combines two of my favorite things (Groundhog Day and Military Sci Fi) into one story and has a couple of twists that I really enjoyed. If they hire anyone at all decent to write it it should be awesome.
This is one of my favorite shows even with all of its horrible flaws. The basic rule for this show is: Every scene with the core cast and "A" story-line is amazing, and every scene with Agent Coulson or that super annoying redhead or the old fiancee are like removing your liver with a butter-knife.
Yes! When I heard that they passed on David Tennant for the role, I was livid. When I actually watched the show, I had to eat my outrage. Mikkelsen is transcendent.
The printed page is obsolete. Information isn't bound up anymore, it's an entity. The only reality is virtual.
I could not agree with you more. It was the forced romances (which made Korra and Mako into horrible people) that really killed the show for me. You know what was not focused on (seemingly deliberately) in the first series? Love triangles!
Sadly, this is neither the worst episode ("The Zone," where Duncan cleans up the ghetto) nor the wackiest premise ("For Evil's Sake" where an immortal is using mime-assassins in Paris). That said, the best episodes make this show more than worth it.
Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.
It strikes me that this scene would be more pointed if he had eaten a cherry and started choking due to the lack of the glass of water he had just destroyed, showing the consequences of his action.
So isn't this "Girls" by the Luna Brothers except without a sperm spaceship and naked aliens?
I actually find it distracting that she is pretty close to the light source behind her, but she is more strongly lit from the front even than he is.
On a second look, I am unsure of my initial statement that they are organized in rows. Wish I could read it better.
It looks to me as though he has organized the different categories into rows instead of columns (ie all the top row are Sesame Street). Not really in keeping with the periodic table as I know it, but I may be missing some underlying organization.
Actually, I went back and watched some of Children of Dune, and it does get into the golden path a bit. It is just a bit unsubtle and silly.
Agreed, of course, but I would really like to see someone try to tackle Children of Dune a bit more ambitiously than The Sci Fi Channel did at the time. The idea of The Golden Path and the machine intelligences are never really explored, and the scale of the future that they are contemplating is never shown.
Was watching along happily until I came to the horrible English Evangelion dub. Now I am in a fetal position crying.