It’s actually pretty roomy. The back seat is about equal to the Model 3, maybe even a little bigger, and because it’s a hatchback it’s got good cargo space. It may look small, but it’s actually bigger than a Bolt and most of the mini-suv’s that have been coming out.
I prefer the glasses after.
I must be some crazy outlier because I’ve known about this issue since I was a child.
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
Not having Homekit integration is my least favorite part of my two Nest devices.
Not having Homekit integration is my least favorite part of my two Nest devices.
Michael Jackson was a much bigger star than Whitney Houston. And he fell far harder. I made the original “overstatement’ comment, and I was referring to how the author wrote that few people would believe a novel based on a non-existent Whitney Houston. Can you seriously say with a straight face, that if she had never…
like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.
Something tells me you won’t need to worry about anyone talking to you...
I blame Common Core
You are wrong about the beer ABV. There is only one beer sold at that ABV. The most popular beer, Gull, which, yes, is shit, is still above 5%. If you don’t like the price, go to a grocery store or buy some booze duty-free.
It reminds me of Vince Young overcoming the twenty-WR-screens-per-game offense of Greg Davis to scorch a pretty stout USC defense. Here’s to hoping you get to play for a significantly less shitty NFL coach than Jeff Fisher, DeShaun.
I’ll just tack it on here: Is Mr. Nick Martin too young to remember Major Applewhite? Because he is definitely a guy we can remember.
The man named Major Applewhite has done more to shame the Simms family than anyone in history.
Nah ... Buy the bed for your dog, then leave the box to the cat. Never buy a bed for a cat. They’re ungreatful assholes.
Nah ... Buy the bed for your dog, then leave the box to the cat. Never buy a bed for a cat. They’re ungreatful…
Let’s recap the first two weeks:
2015-2016 Warriors points in the paint: 43.8 ppg
And proves that some suck-ass messed up his code, which explains why he malfunctioned a game ago.
If only you had been around in 1645 for the spring powered cart disaster.