What if I hang it out of my car?

See, the whole notion of grid girls is a bit problematic. It's a bit absurd to ask why there aren't more women in or interested in racing when we're still parading women about for the sole purpose of looking pretty. While that's not going to stop me from having a good time, it does give the first impression that it's

Kind of confused how she wasn't instantly shot and killed. Police dream of golden opportunities to shoot people like this.

Not only is it ridiculous, it's business as usual in government. It's how representatives get their pet projects funded, and favors granted.

Celebratory burnouts!

Well, this article is much better than the "Get out of debt by earning $80,000/yr, not having to pay rent, getting a big cash settlement for an injury, and not counting your $37,000 of student loan debt as a real debt" article was.

That was a great pun. It really took off.

This isn't paragliding. It's paracolliding.

Hey media:
Stop giving these assholes the attention and airtime. Whenever their shit gets posted online and shown on TV, they win. They don't deserve the attention, so stop giving it to them.

-10 for reality.

The few remaining in stock condition are priced processions. They don't want to look more than what they are. Think of the MR2 as a Fiero done right. And while the mark 2's shape might have felt a bit dated a few years back, it has matured into a proper classic, one we can all wish for.

This is yet another great car that is practically impossible to find in stock form.

I think she is embarrassing her kids now more than grandpa ever did...

That 3.0 Nissan was using twenty years ago was impressive. When gas broke $4 six years ago, I started looking to move out of my Suburban. Doing research on fourth gen Maximas, I found a couple of things. One, they got great gas mileage for such a peppy engine. Two, virtually all of them had their odometer tampered

Ford's 3.7L. Wonderful engine that makes a great noise, terrific amount of power in a decent package, and excellent fuel economy considering the displacement. Everyone still shits on v6 F-150s (except the obviously great Ecoboosts) and Mustangs, but I love this engine.

No two countries are the same. The US has a unique problem with its drug war and an over reliance of psychotropic drugs to handle mental disorders that contribute to these incidents and overall gun homicides. The vast majority of gun homicides in the US happens where gun control is highest, in the cities, which is why

Thanks all. If you want to see everything I've done to the car from day 1, grab a beer and read here:

I don't see what the big deal is, I put a 4 banger where you normally find a V8: