He was driving illegally (no license due to a number of incidents of reckless and dangerous driving) and was a known associate of the mob. He may not have touched the SUV or its driver, but he was not an innocent bystander: he was part of the group that created the original dangerous situation. He can blame himself

In my example I appear to be a lookout. You don't have to be wearing your "lookout" sandwich board. It's not simply "being friends" you are with the person committing a crime. Your overt act is that you willingly accompanied the person committing the robbery.

You can't have it both ways. You can't run away AND also ask people to politely move their bikes so you don't hit them. From the video it looked like they (SUV) were completely blocked in.

I would say the mob that "innocent" bystander was a part of is more to blame than the guy in the RR

If he was off to the side of the road further down, he wouldn't have been hit. He parked his bike directly IN FRONT OF the RR. The RR never left the road to run over bike stopped to the side. He WAS directly involved in the slowdown and surrounding of the SUV. Your argument that he was uninvolved goes completely

The driver of the Range Rover who paralyzed an innocent bystander should also be arrested.

Innocent bystander? That's questionable. Unfortunate victim of the mob's actions? Probably.

Waste of taxpayer dollars. No grand jury would ever charge after seeing the aftermath of the exact thing that caused his flight realized.

In all fairness her debt consolidation loan was probably a good idea, as was the idea of "owning" your debt (e.g. admitting to it).

I didn't see anything in the article that is relevant towards an average person except how to go into debt.

"And then, finally, I received a court settlement for my injury. I took the $51,000 and immediately paid off all of my credit cards—"

What I read:

Same, that's the best Winamp.

If you look at about the 12 second mark, the guardrail has the distinct appearance that this is not the first time it has been hit.

Same here. I want to play a music file that I organized on my own, I don't want to add it to any library and... guh.

Also: "It really whips the llama's ass." Preceded by two "Winamp"s. Come on people :P

Methinks someone took the Winamp credo a bit too seriously...

1992 Subaru SVX

But it's slower than a-

You made my point better than me. What I really should have said is that this isn't a big deal, it's just news because she's a she. My misogyny comment is meant in the sense that women in motor sports have to put up with lots of sexualization as soon as they come to the door. Can I comment on her specific case? No,

It was all because of the handbrake turn.