Now if we can just get a new 240z a la FRS here in the states, that would be fantastic.

In all seriousness, I wish torque converters would just die already.

Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care!

The semi barely touched her bumper because he was trained to drive a large vehicle and knew better than to go (45-50?) in zero visibility conditions.

This demonstrates the over automation in current cars, auto-lights, auto-wipers etc. They get turned on once and left, then when faced with unusual conditions people have no idea how to operate mundane things that will make the drive safer. Also people need to practice emergency stops every time they get a new

"...turn your headlights on"

Why in the hell would anyone continue to drive at a relatively high speed in zero-visibility conditions?

Don't apologize.... keep fighting the fight, advocate because its the only way anything will change. These heathens must be taught the correct way.

Fuel vapor needs air to burn and that is only present at the opening.

What exactly is supposed to be so impressive here? I didn't see anything that looked any better than a crash in one of the Burnout games. At least in those games the cars aren't coated in Teflon.

When someone comes running up to your car, you are just going to talk to them calmly and reason with them? You're a saint, and a better man than I. I'm going to assume the worst, and end the confrontation quickly, and any way possible. Normal people don't run around on the highway during traffic...


Yep me too. Hanging right over my bed from age 9 to about 16.

This was such a cool time for sports cars. So many new cars in 93; RX7, Supra, Camaro. Everything was so closely matched, and best of all it gave us Gran Turismo.

Now playing

Whatever. I'll just make a GUI interface using VisualBasic, to track the IP.

The fact a Prius that rang this guy's bell makes the schadenfreude ever so much better.

see now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried (car runs fine 3 and a half minutes later)

Second GT-R almost had him, at least until he blew his engine.

This guy would have been fine with it.

some girl wrote her dad a text message (~160 characters). dad spun it into whole blog post and one of his cronies spun it even further and jumping into conclusions created hateful, offensive and prejudiced rant about nothing particular in the end. journalism at its finest!