Seeing how it was a lemons race, when I first saw the picture I thought someone had strapped a taxidermy deer to their roof.
Seeing how it was a lemons race, when I first saw the picture I thought someone had strapped a taxidermy deer to their roof.
I'm a HARDCORE gun enthusiast. I'm also an extremely outspoken critic and detractor from our current scumbag POTUS.
I think this is the problem, nostalgia and romanticism.
Change the wheels and give the engine a little more in the balls department and this would be a hell of a fun car. NP for having the only one on your block.
Interesting article bro.
If my cookout is going to be disrupted, this is how I want it done.
So this ended with the only fire being the one in the grill.
Objects bashing into your side-view mirrors may be closer than they appear.
Tim O'Neil had a great way of summing up his school.
The last ~35 seconds are also worth a watch as they provide a nice basic course on russian swearing: 'suka' means whore (but with an even worse connotation), 'bliad' (sounds like"black") means shit and 'durak' means donkey. Et voila: you have learned the basic vocabulary of every russian dashcam owner.
Well, the question is: is this media availability a good thing or a bad thing. I'm glad that you have decidedly not fallen into the trap that many others have, where a commonly held conviction is that the increased availability of these horrible videos somehow means that the world is becoming a more violent place. …