the 90s were great. we had a blast wrapping these things around trees
the 90s were great. we had a blast wrapping these things around trees
The interior tells me all I need to know about the current owner. Ill fitting and unmatched to interior shifter and e-brake boot, cheap knock-off steering wheel, pep boys pedals and rearview mirror. Absolutely no.
The cosmetic changes don’t bother me that much. They’re easily reversed if you want that 100%-stock look. If that was the only issue, NP.
But the A/C and cruise delete imply that they both broke at some point and it was easier to rip ‘em out than to fix them. That means that corners have been cut there, and likely in…
So basically it’s broken and rather than fix it properly the owner has ripped things out until the light went out. I’m thinking CP all the way.
That all sounds pretty reasonable, but I tend to consider “I’m not distracted by superficial things like everybody else!” to be almost as big a red flag as Mr. “I don’t play by society’s rules!” up there.
Doing things you like and being immature are not the same thing. I don’t know where that came from. I know some really silly people like to associate playing video games and riding a motorcycle with being immature, but that’s not what immaturity is at all nor are any of those things violating social norms.
Original video is down. Alternate:
step one: power on yaw
Exactly. Assholes failing to maintain speed are wasting my gas.
Unpopular, indeed. There’s a chance that I’ve cursed you as I’ve tried to get down the highway while you keep slowing down and then speeding up.
Then common sense should tell you that there are a shitload more instances of men assaulting and killing women over rejection (or perceived rejection) than vice-versa. But you go on whining.
Yep, thus exposing a weak Michelin tire. That’s sneaky God for you, causing a tragedy to expose human failure. Or is that The Devil? I forget which one causes tragedies.
Everyone knows tires explode because the engineers spend Sundays at the track getting race data. If they honored the Sabbath, tires would never degrade or fail.
I was really glad he thanked Alpinestars in his tweet. That was a classy move. It really is amazing what proper riding gear can do for you.
Wait, I thought that was Han Solo?
And let’s not forget daytime running automatic lights that are present on many cars. Those burn more than an iphone.
Imagine a 4-lane highway full of high-mounted brake lights strobing at different frequencies.
they killed it in testing after sitting behind a car equipped with said light at an exceptionally long traffic light.