No, it *CAN* result in those but doesn't have to. Like most conversions to electronic the increased flexibility leads to some terribly lazy implementations but statements like yours are incredibly luddite-sounding.
No, it *CAN* result in those but doesn't have to. Like most conversions to electronic the increased flexibility leads to some terribly lazy implementations but statements like yours are incredibly luddite-sounding.
Electronic throttle can let you do some really awesome things as well. For example, the motorcycle I just picked up has a ride-by-wire throttle. The computer lets me re-map the throttle response based on the riding I intend to do. For example, on wet roads I can set it to require large throttle movements to get any…
Nothing to do with the Danes winning the Eurovision Song Contest?
You taught me that the hotels you negotiate with always charge for parking!
Climbing a structure that's not being maintained and was built by the lowest bidder?
Very sad to hear as he seemed like a very nice man but...
1st Gear: Just like this?
As stupid as it looks, you just know that at some point along the journey there was some idiot in an X6 riding 4 inches from that S10's bumper.
Any goodwill Forged had before has just left as far as I am concerned.
It must have taken some remarkable restraint not to compare him to Obama. I guess Jason didn't want to get audited.
Sorry, Pol Pot and Hitler are in a class by themselves. This guy is just another Internet ToughGuy who gets called out and turns into.. *gasp* ...just another whiny little bitch. You can goddamned bet if my company is hosting an event and there are people actively working to hurt me, they won't be attending.
You have 4 lanes, the very right one being used by vans and buses from what it seems, which are going slower than him. Traffic wasn't that heavy and two lanes on the left should be plenty to pass. Or you want to defend the land rover that cut him off, going much faster than the very left lane? Mentality over there is…
I second these tips. Also if you are first responder make sure you designate someone to call 911. If the cars looks like they can be driven try to get the owner to drive off the highway on to the shoulder (this is not always possible).
You should watch the Farm Simulator video first. It is so ridiculous, it's awesome.