Constant airflow from a belt driven fan? Uh, no. Constant minimum, maybe. And this minimum air flow at idle is what main problem with them: It's not enough at times.

True, I guess I'm underestimating the Wrangler.

Selection bias.

So Americans think that a lousy car manufacturer that churns out 90% turd mobiles with shitty reliability and build quality is patriotic? Because they named a couple cars "Liberty" and "Patriot"?

If by "higher", you mean faster, than yeah. I abuse the shit out of the environment or other cars to win in GT.

Also wasn't flooring it at the end. Can see the throttle input and he's slow to get back on the throttle.

Yeah, It's improved a lot since the 90s/00s, but still has a way to go.

That guy would have been shot if he said/done the same shit nowadays.

I was thinking more along the lines of Billy Joel...

Far less per capita than their normal car brethren.


The truck rammed them.

They were just following, until the suspects got violent.

People seem to have this idea that the police always catch the bad guys, or that they mostly do. For property crime the reverse is true. Even homicides, in some areas are barely 60% solved.

Yep. It's like robbing a bank with a disguise and running away, only to return holding your disguise to tell the person that got you on their cellphone that it's somehow rude to... I can't even finish this guy's a moron.

They got the "deal with it" backward. He's supposed to put the glasses on, then "Deal with it" comes on the screen.

One was texting: "I'm so happy!!!11" as she crashed into the other.

I give him credit for not just darting into the right-most lane while trying to get to the margin. Looks like he took the time to make sure no one was coming—at least from the camera angle.

Yes, but the people writing the code (esp. safety critical code) have their work checked multiple times, then tested before and during integration. The average driver just has to be relatively not blind and then can drive themselves off a cliff.