My CEL came on two and a half years ago. Once a year, before heading in for my annual State Inspection, I reset it. Problem solved.
Mhhhhmm. Just let us know if you get the job, OK?
All of the above are great, but I would add an important sidebar to this.
Two Gpad 8.3, one Nexus 7, one Nook HD+ in the household.
Also, fat wants to see you dead. Protein wants to make you strong so you can conquer the world.
Great use, though you'll want to choose your pillbox carefully.
A follow-up, one year later:
I'm frankly astonished that they managed to squeeze out even more toadishness out of that design.
Forced conversation mode?
There's terrorism and there's ebola. Not much else.
That's pretty awesome.
Nespresso rules.
Nespresso rules.
Word of warning: if you're planning to use your Plex in an area with weak wifi, the Plex 3 may not be the best choice.
Holiday travel is going to be a blast this year.
The' Trending' portion looks OK, smalls pics, good density. The 'Popular' sections is a mess, too much dead space and pics too big.
In part for the reason you mention, we gave up on this quickly.
While we're in the business of calling cars things that they aren't, I'd like to say the Crosstour is one of the finest looking cabriolets out there.