
1. I like the fact that the Jeep guy held back and parked a safe/reasonable distance from the Corvette - I would have left 1/4"

More stretching = more fumbling = more drops = more replacement devices or repair services sold = profit.

First thing I looked for too, amazed to see it missing.

While we're on the design, is there any way to automatically always see All Replies - Show Pending?

Anker are very legit. They also have fantastic customer service.

Kind like a Hummer, but a tad less intimidating.

But I thought you needed three Darts to play....?

Ah, I remember the joys of comparing my age to athletes and musicians.

I think Mr. Griswold is going to have some trouble unloading this one.

I like them lean and mean.

We are all 14285.

Unless that Shitty Shitty Bang Bang actually flies, I'm not impressed.


Do you get to blow bubbles?

Are you all blind? Not even the original post author is sticking to the same style. Brad Pitt has the cut. Jimmy Darmody has the cut. Fucklemore has "the cut".

When I was younger and ate several Reese's a day, I got to the point where I would look at the fine print to see which of several regional factories they were made at.

Not a mini, but a night/day difference between sizes:

Some of the comments on here remind me of my feelings about convertibles, which is that they could be great if only they had a fixed roof.

By the way - is that the last good looking Chrysler ever made?

Why am I not surprised that this list is pretty much the inverse of what a "Tastiest Apples, Ranked" article would look like?