Apparently BornSwedeDriveSwede thinks women need his protection and help to sue. What a pig. That sort of paternalistic attitude is an affront to men and women everywhere.
Apparently BornSwedeDriveSwede thinks women need his protection and help to sue. What a pig. That sort of paternalistic attitude is an affront to men and women everywhere.
A little too much chrome trim in the dash, but all in all, a pleasant looking car.
I'd like to make sweet love to the cars in those gifs.
If I put strawberries on any old shelf in the fridge, they go bad in about a day. Kind of shrivel up and die.
A veritable war on commuters and small businessmen!
Can we stop it with the light blue cars already?
Looks absolutely fantastic... except in the shots where its fat ass dominate the views.
Norovirus. Fun fun fun.
Uh, you missed Weetabix.
Sold! Where do I send the check to?
I don't have all the facts at hand, so I invite further correction, but the description of Windows formatting above is not quite correct.
Cool, and no doubt very useful for very many. I could see this being crucial for people on an 'almost-nothing' data plan, such as T-Mo's free 200MB.
I think you just undid a knot I've had in my brain for the last 40 years.
The biggest problem was focusing on the games - all I could think about was that HDMI cable and the urge to connect it.
Speaking of which, I got to watch the Olympic on a 40" LCD this weekend. Connected to the cable box using a red/white stereo cable. One for video signal, one for (one of the) audio signals.
Used to think mold was a cosmetic thing - if it didn't look too bad, or could be cut off so I couldn't particularly see or smell it, down the hatch. Waste not, want not.
Ditto. By the time I was about 14, I had ground it all away.
I was going to nominate this yesterday, but I couldn't find a picture that did justice to what an eye-gougingly fugly monstrosity it is in real life.
Before we start spending money and effort on implementing 4K, how about we start actually sending and using 720 and 1080 broadcasts.