Your facts are powerless upon us. We love whiskey, and will believe anything that supports our love. Whiskey whisky bourbon. Mmmmm.
Your facts are powerless upon us. We love whiskey, and will believe anything that supports our love. Whiskey whisky bourbon. Mmmmm.
Can I use the same islay single-malt I use to brush my teeth, or should I keep a second whisk(e)y in the medicine cabinet?
Sound tempting, but with only 10-50 downloads so far when I checked, I'd rather wait until the de facto beta testing is done by others.
Yeah, putting HDDs away for long periods is bad news too.
I'm very skeptical of tapes and CDs and other 'archive media'.
Word to the wise - when you buy tickets through these apps, you pay a surcharge of $.75 to $2 per ticket.
Right? How do stores keep them looking OK day to day, while overnight in my fridge they go from glamorous photo shoot berries to down and out gutter spills? Do they toss everything out after a day or two and replenish from some magical nitrogen-filled warehouse?
"am I incorrect in thinking that being tracked online does not identify you personally in any way, other than to those (like Google, for instance) you choose to identify yourself to?"
Here's a pretty good non-conspiratorial article about the gathering, compilation and analysis of data about you and your habits, for market purposes:
Very reminiscent of the workshop floor at Rolls Royce.
Much as I love hot pepper, and my colon may as well for all I know, the uttermost tip of my colon - which shall remain nameless - is not a big fan of hot pepper.
I believe Florida's Natural goes though the same industrial process. A few months a year, they might in theory be able to bottle straight unadulterated juice, but the rest of the year they need to be able to sell stored, warehoused, old juice. Hence the industrial process.
I was going to add the UNIMOG too, but I'm not sure if that qualifies as a car.
Oh, and, remember to delete the stash so your loved ones won't have it to remember you for.
All the time wasted online.