If you go LCD, bear in mind that TN-screens will have poorer side viewing angles but have faster response times, whereas IPS-screens will have better side viewing angles but poorer response times.
If you go LCD, bear in mind that TN-screens will have poorer side viewing angles but have faster response times, whereas IPS-screens will have better side viewing angles but poorer response times.
Mine's going on the rearview mirror so I can read lifehacker while I drive.
As far as I'm concerned, the pension is part of a contract that was agreed to by both parties. The law takes a very dim view of breaking contracts. Generally there's jail time for those responsible when the breach is significant enough.
I can testify to that.
Make sure you fluff the gas out of the pillows before your in-laws arrive.
Mujo is a very accomplished custom builder. Haso has very discerning tastes.
Every now and then, I get USB drives that won't 'eject'. So I'll run Unlocker to see what's holding on to it - and Unlocker will tell me nothing, no files locked.
It's none of your beeswax how I polish my wood!
With a name like Backfire, how could it go wrong...
'Has no ambition' is a dealbreaker?
App selection is pretty decent, although it pales in comparison to e.g. Android.
Last night I was browsing the app store and I could have sworn I saw both Rio and Seasons in the list, on called 'HD', the other not, but both listed as Touchpad-ready.
I would add that the Fire has only half the RAM and only half or a quarter of the storage of a Touchpad. And a 16x9 screen as opposed to the 4x3 screen on the Touchpad.
Eh, whatevs. It's only 12V - glorified cellphone battery, really. I plug/unplug 110/220V stuff at home all the time without getting my panties in a knot.
If you say ONE more mean thing about Border Collies I'm going to round you up and give you my meanest psycho stare!
VOTE: MyDefrag (formerly JKDefrag): [www.mydefrag.com]
Years ago, wasn't this how it always worked?
I have to second Dwight - the what?