Dota 2 has unbearable lags as of now 18:00 -6 GMT...
Dota 2 has unbearable lags as of now 18:00 -6 GMT...
So these guys are full on felons now right? Denial of service attacks are one thing, bomb threats and messing with the FAA... welcome to the Federal Penal System folks. See you in about 10 years.
This isn't a fanboy issue anymore. We need to cut out the cancer that are these hackers.
The DDoS'ing was stupid enough, but I feel like now they're legitimately going to have 3 letter agencies coming after them as a terrorist group. Dumbass scriptkiddies.
This all started when Warframe got challenged. I'm still waiting for Master Chief and Claptrap to accept:
I like that they nominated 3 other fictional, game characters at the end. :)
I'm surprised Full Metal Alchemist wasn't higher.
I had a good run. Bye, everyone.
Wow... I'm listening to some of his other stuff on YouTube too, its great stuff! Subscribed! Adding to my playlist next to Smooth McGroove.
My problem with the Assassin's Creed games is that I always try to play them like stealth games, and Assassin's Creed is not a very good stealth game. It's a great action game, when it wants to be, but it's just not built for stealth as anything other than a side-mechanic. It's not adaptive enough; stray from the…
If there's two thing I hate in this world, its people who are intolerant of alien cultures...and the swedes.
But... but I thought it was the dog all along!
At least 75% of those people just want to break into Valve to get some information about Half-Life 3.
Holy shit! That is the best item video I have ever seen!
If there's any era I feel should be featured in Assassin's Creed, it's the invasion of Britain by the Romans. A Druid Assassin would be so awesome.
Don't ever go to the market. You can get the skins for pennies on the dollar. BUT YOU CAN'T STOP. I Neeeeeeeddddd an unusual boooofus courier so I can socket a diretide gem into him and make spiders spill out of his path. I Neeeeeeeddddd it! Don't judge me!
I went through the same thing with Path of Exile. Excellent game, you can play it all you want without paying a cent, but there were so many cool effects, and pets, I think I eventually ended up spending about $60 on it, after holding out for a long time (through several transactions). "So what?" I said - these guys…
Wasn't this posted here not long after SnK started airing? I feel like I've seen this on Kotaku before. (Edit - A-HA! Here it is, in the comments:…)
so this is the prequel. The First Samurai.