maybe she’s an Ardat Yakshi and Bioware just gave them a distinctive look
All these years , I havent even finished the main storyline yet; My character is stucked in a side quest somewhere : /
Mei, Winston and Widowmaker, since three of them have unique abilities tha other characters in hots doesnt have
auto-sniper is deemed awful by alot of people but this is one situation where this gun is gonna shine alot, its when all of enemy rushes one site
nice montage but sorry, as a seagull fan ive seen better
This game is my guilty pleasure, its one of those games that i can commit hard for a little while and then comeback next week or update and grind again; It pretty much reminded me of ME3 Multiplayer
Toy Hammer Hyppeee!
thank you! Mr. Klepek here failed to mention that in the article 4Head
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
ohhh wow a screenshot mode, all these years they finally fixed such basic stuff; This has been requested since vanilla . Doesn’t matter now to me, i stopped playing Destiny since HotW ; I really hope that Destiny 2 will be a proper game when it comes
yeah been a Ragnarok fan back in the days and ive been waiting for this game, I hope the reviews comes soon
so he’s basically Ethan Bradberry? Its just a prank bro! It was just a social experiment
Marn is like why i love the FGC community more, he’s like the best and the worst player out there XD
hahah with such an accurate commentary, it seems like the game is a visual representation of the actual 2016 campaign XD
Yeah i wonder how much did the owner of TS paid EG to get Universe too
hmmm almost perfect, if only Bulba gonna move to coaching position and they would draft zai for offlane position instead. I might actually cheer for this team again now that RTZ is gone
well noone knows for sure but rumors said that there’s a bad blood between ppd and aui during those times, now they’re cool now or so ppd has said
dont fret my friend, ive signed into the beta when i 1st heard about this game and until til now im still Onlywatch