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FFXV would like to challenge that, skip to 0:21 to see that 1:1 scale of awesome doorway transition


but dude ur argument is invalid with these women XD

seeing this made me cry cuz HxH hasnt been back yet :(

haha i even watched a full movie of DBZ once on one of these sites for free, FeelsGoodMan

because of the movements, its un-natural therefore its not really that arousing

lol ololol 4Head MingLee EleGiggle TriHard ANELE

Holy shit! the way he teleported around, the stealth takedowns, those sick joint combos (that X strike reference tho), he used the frickin turret like someone from an fps game; I really think the game is already perfect at this point now.

lol its only one portion of the gameplay

yesss!! BoF 3 that’s where my handle came from, also BoF 3 and 4 is one my personal best games of all time. I definitely gonna buy that game again hoping that one day Capcom would continue the series again

its fine, its not as deep as its FFT counterpart

but you didn’t explain how does it play??? aright aright ill check the steam page XD

ouchhh it burns, yeah im one of those who paid $99 bucks on Destiny : (

but its hottttt!!!

hahah no shit XD

ohh man TF2 pros now are gonna be torn since most of them are participating or had participated in some non - official Overwatch tournament already; I wonder if they gonna come back or continue with OW or maybe play both XD

nah i think MMO sucks with open world titles but i would rather have a multiplayer FPS FO game, the FO series have the best variety of guns in the gaming world

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this is why i love the FGC, antics like these happen

duhh it’s used as an alternative to toilet paper, if you’re done reading it XD

or maybe Blizz is afraid that micro intensive character is too much for their players XD