dude i think they already announced the D2 necromancer and he’s a melee specialist
calm down Hitler! what did they ever do to you?
well there’s alot of speculation already from other sites
so what do you guys think about Pokemon Go, is the hype for real?? Lotta people are saying that it’s just gonna be a micro-transaction filled cash grab game?
wow, im glad it’s not as bad here in memphis but then again the weather is weird here, who knows what’s gonna happen this weekend
man you really know what’s up, yep ima fire up DS3 this weekend with my bro
yeah there are way more games than those regular esport games but are those games: 1.) regularly supported by devs to do balancing 2.) good enough amount of following 3.) is it esport ready?? in game features like spectator modes, good client etc. One of those genres might take that leap in the future but in the…
im not sold on the game yet but only if blizzard will give some of those beta invites, i might change my mind
why would they buy an Xbone anyway? when the games they prefer is either on nintendo or sony
hey this looks actually cool, its like Bioshock Infinite + Dishonored in terms of gameplay
some old phrase, look on it
oh man a spiritual successor to “The Man in the High Castle” , that’s awesome! Also anyone who’s into historical fiction should definitely read that book, it’s really interesting
oh man why do you have to ruin it??? the 1st few lines are already good XD
psx2 is the best, you just have to play around it and configure your optimal settings
dude if you got good pc, play those ps2 cds on an emulator, the graphical enhancement is so good that it looks like an actual remastered version; Im actually starting to play P4 again
been bored playing Fallout 4 now , ive been playing it since release so it looks like my Sanctuary revival project is gonna be slowed down (im making Sanctuary look like an actual town on PS4) and up to this point i havent been to the Glowing Sea yet : /
Anyways, i got alot cheap ps2 cds like hundreds of them that ive…
yeah the combat is really good , its even better than TW3 i might say, also the pawn system is a really neat idea; Im gonna buy this game again on steam
dedication and perseverance with alot creativity, i can’t wait to share