
Wow, that looks . . . really fucking awful.

I think it’s J.J. Abrams who’s finding out the same sort of thing about The Force Awakens. He should have fun making Ep IX and trying to piece together some semblance of a MacGuffin laced mystery plot.

This is how I imagine the conversation must have gone and the BBC was like “John Hurt!”...and ignored the fact that McGann would have dovetailed with canon amazingly well.

Ok. I’m dumb. I’m just also pretty good at piecing things together.

The third lesson is Luke Skywalker works for Valve, and doesn’t know how to count to 3

Proposal: a daily Deadspin feature on how whoever starts in right field for the Cardinals played that day relative to Giancarlo Stanton.

If they are a current threat, then yes, a therapist would have to report that. However, ethical guidelines state that a therapist is not obligated to report a past murder/crime unless it falls under the mandatory reporting umbrella (ACA, APA, AATA).

Don’t shoot the messenger here, but in Catholicism, it’s called the Seal of Confession, where a priest revealing the contents of a confession, no matter how serious, is considered a grave offense worthy of automatic excommunication.

Are you talking about the US Dollar, of which there is an arbitrary supply based on a government’s whim, or Bitcoin, of which there is a mathematically limited supply based on a transparent algorithm?

Yeah, what’s with all the nuance in this article? That’s not what I visit Jezebel for!

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

... also, I grew up in a good Catholic household, so naturally we had a copy of “Madonna della Seggiola”, which is apparently Italian for “Mary and Jesus share a bong”:

I think these articles do a good job highlighting why this is might be happing:

Thing is, business owners can already discriminate on the basis of political opinion. “Republican” is not a protected class, so you’re 100% free to start up a business right now that refuses to sell to Republicans.

Still whining about the Frozen short? Sounds like someone needs to...

“I was happy to lend them support and guidance to push the project along so that it could be completed in time for the 25th anniversary of the show which is coming up in 2018. I wish the creative team all good things as they Boldly Go!”

YES. THANK YOU! If you want to brand it as Star Trek, you invite comparison to everything that came before it. When you set it as a prequel to already existing IP’s, you ESPECIALLY do that. People complained about Enterprise retconning things all the time. The difference is, most of them worked within the bounds of

I feel like I write this comment on every article reviewing “Discovery”, but I feel like it still stands.

The problem isn’t that Lorca has been a pretty bad guy, it’s that the universe of the show hasn’t cast him as such. Some of his actions have been given an ambiguous light. Some have been attached to his sad back story as a seeming excuse. And some, like abandoning Mudd, have been exposed and completely unchallenged by

Why should someone who doesn’t like a show have to get over it? Lots of people hate Voyager or Enterprise. While I like both of those shows better than many people, I’d never suppose that those who disagree with me should just get over it.