
I was this close to exposing that guy until you published this article.

new Smith and Weston baseball bats.

Exactly like the Far Cry 5 game where a Christian cult has somehow taken over a chunk of a state and started impaling people on crosses. If you aren’t just as concerned with that improbable caricature that nobody wants, then your gripe is with the ideology itself, not how it’s portrayed.

What’s this? Someone capable of and willing to separate apples and oranges? Someone with a broad perspective? What are you doing on the internet?!

Putting aside the guys’ personal views, I just wanna know if the game is gonna be interesting. Couldn’t care less about his previous affiliations. If the game looks fun, and plays well, I’ll be happy.

Agreed. Yeah. No. This is disgusting. Let’s burn some books next! That’s how we can become just like the right we demonize.

Ummm... regardless of your opinion on this, I’m not sure any solution that ends in “burning art” is a great one.

Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

Yeah, I’d forgotten how restricted the federal government’s powers are. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

There needs to be a federal basis, such as interstate commerce, in order for a federal law to be enforceable. That the internet is used in interstate commerce is certainly an argument in favor of such a law being constitutional, but it would certainly be a hard fought battle up to the Supreme Court and many states

They ARE losers.

There were two districts at issue; District 1 and District 12. The decision to strike down District 1 was 8-0, with all Justices agreeing that it was an unconstitutional racial gerrymander since the state legislature incorrectly believed that District 1 had to be a majority-minority district under the Voting Rights

I’m surprised not to see OKCupid, Tinder, or Ashley Madison receive a shout-out, here. A main reason for jitters in this modern era is the same as it was for me when I attended a university with a larger population than my natal city (that is, 40,000 students, most of them on the make): the marketplace of romantic

PBS receives approximately 12% of its funding from the federal government.

Other people should be forced to fund something you enjoy?

Why don’t you and the people who enjoy it fund it? Either through advertisements or their shitty fund raisers?

I’m not entirely clear why there’s a need for government funded television anymore. What makes any of their programming different than what any other station can provide? There’s no reason those shows can’t be on other channels and vice-versa. In fact, some are.

The LibDems increased their voteshare and lost seats in many areas but gained them in others. It seems their anti-Brexit strategy is losing support in pro-Leave areas while increasing it elsewhere. It’ll be interesting to see what it does in June.

I’d be curious to skim through it. I’ve never seen a project that big and would be curious how they architected it.

Maybe check into the legal situation before throwing around racism charges? A judge has to follow the law too. Want to call the law racist? That makes more sense.

The 3% thing is actually at best a very gross interpretation of the truth. That statistic gives abortion the same weight as every drugstore pregnancy test or contraceptive they offer, cheap and numerous little services that far exceed actual abortions performed.