
I am the producer of hit* fan audio drama Starship Excelsior and this is pretty much how we record every episode: actors do their lines in isolation, email them to us, and we stitch them together into scenes.

*sigh* No, I try very hard to forget Chakotay’s baby.

Well... TNG and ENT did this. But the others did not.

“a pretty, messy piece of nonsense with some decent performances and occasionally unexpected story twists... The deaths existed solely to create an illusion of plot momentum in a serialized story that, so far at least, has no goddamn point at all...

Everybody, in every article and every thread about Star Trek’s darkness, mentions “In the Pale Moonlight.”

“Of course it’s not perfect, no one said it was... Seriously, it’s the Mirror Universe, none of it makes any sense, just play along.”

Darker lighting schemes are pretty routine throughout both series, depending on the shot. (Particularly after it switched to HD cameras, Enterprise routinely got so dark I couldn’t see what was going on on my tiny 15" color TV.)

I think this is right. The Klingon death yell at the end certainly read that way. But, with only 37 minutes in the episode, we didn’t get much clarification, and I can see why the author thought differently.

(1) Clicks. Look at this comment thread! Publishing Trendacosta is good business.

The producers are acting like they *thought* it was a surprise. It was an online theory, but I gotta admit I was pretty disappointed when that theory turned out to be true.

“C’mon! That was fun, and mades perfect sense. It explains why in every Mirror episode, the lighting is darker and more dramatic.”

Glad you got there in the end!

“would allow health professionals to refuse... to perform abortions based on religious or moral grounds.” 

Haley is referring to the fact that Congress passed a law 20 years ago demanding the embassy be moved, has passed resolutions periodically ever since requesting that the embassy be moved (including as recently as a few months ago), and that the American people have generally approved of the move in past polling. (It

*sigh* As a conservative, I’ve spent years being annoyed by comments like this (ugh, so sanctimonious, and thanks for throwing the rest of your party under the bus, I’ll be sure to have your back too next time)... but in the post-Trump, post-Moore world all I can do is nod and agree.

If only we’d nominated somebody

Note that, according to the infographic, the character popularity is raw favorability, not *net* favorability, and certainly not favorability scaled for name recognition.

Hi! Former Republican from Minnesota here.

It should!

Are you one of those corporate sockpuppet accounts I’m always hearing about? Because make a substantive argument or stfu.

Thought I made it clear: Scalia is still sitting as long as Gorsuch lives.