
adjusting the laws so horrible people like this guy can’t get them.”

You or your immediate surroundings. Had the shooter attacked one of the classrooms where these guys were initially, he would have been fired upon. These guys apparently then set up a defensive perimeter at their building. Had the shooter attempted to violate that perimeter, he would have been fired upon. The gun

Yeah, she’d have fit in well with the Blue Dog Democrats who got elected — many from around her area, as I recall — in 2008.

Um, what now? The Democratic Party didn’t come out officially for gay marriage until Two Thousand and TWELVE — literally their most recent platform update. As recently as 2004, the party platform explicitly stated that marriage should be a state issue... which is precisely the position Kim Davis herself takes.

The SFL rep who gave them to me said, “We’re really into clickbait.””

Where do you live? I find this attitude crops up all the time in urban GOP enclaves in otherwise deep-blue areas — especially in high-upper-crust jobs like the financial sector. (Rockefeller Republicanism never really died out; it just evolved into the modern GOP donor class and tried to accommodate itself to its new

So if someone supports abortion choice but not gun choice, they are “pro-choice,” and to question that is sophistry.

In some first-world countries with such programs, the abortion rates are lower than they are here. (I am aware of no nation where it the abortion rate is anywhere CLOSE to “statistically insignificant”, but perhaps I’m out of date.) In other first-world countries with such programs, the abortion rates are *higher*

Depends on the kind of rhythm method you’re using. If you’re using the Knaus-Ogino rhythm method (the “classic” rhythm method), sure, you’re going to have relatively low effectiveness compared to the Pill, even with perfect use. But Knaus-Ogino came out in the 1920s, and I don’t think anyone uses it anymore, anywhere.

It is worth noting that prohibition itself is a fairly effective abortion-reduction measure — as are the many lesser restrictions anti-aborts impose on abortion access. Waiting periods, clinic closures, and defunding measures all have a measurable impact on the abortion rate.

Speaking as a pro-lifer here: “anti-abortion” is fine. Indeed, it’s quite a bit more precise, and I personally prefer it to the far vaguer (but more emotionally appealing) “pro-life”.

Why not hang out with that Student-for-Life who reads Jez every day? No doubt she can at least fake her way through a conversation about Scandal.

The majority of American women support (for example) a 20-week ban, among other abortion restrictions. On the whole, I think polling indicates that Carly Fiorina’s position is much closer to that of American women than Anna Merlan’s.

Given that the vast majority of gay marriage’s remaining opponents are devout Christians of various stripes, I find it extremely interesting that you only talked to one devout Christian. Is that because devout Christians are less likely to make the bestiality comparison? Or is it because devout Christians are less

Bunch of ‘em are women.

“(The videos mostly show people talking, Carly; there is one still image of a fetus, but it doesn’t show it “squirming,” as she said, or being dismembered).”

The Cylons were created by man.

Yes, I’m completely aware of it (so, neither?). But you can’t expect a person or organization to do things that it believes are fundamentally evil. This goes double when they are — as I said — a *fucking Church*.

It’s a hospital run by the fucking Church.

Good luck getting THAT law through judicial review.