
There have been some attempts to distinguish a writer’s gender based on his or writing alone (e.g. here: http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.…). They don’t work terribly well in formal writing, in my experience, but this analysis engine, at least, is surprisingly confident that McAfee is right about it being a

Nice try, Microsoft.

Incidentally, the Pro-Choice Arizona statistic about Arizona having the second-highest teen pregnancy rate is wrong. PCA gives no source, but every primary source I could find ranked Arizona somewhere between 6th place and 18th place. (This varies by source, by year, and occasionally by ethnic mix of the survey

She believes the exact same thing President Obama believes about vaccines: they’re a good idea, and can be required by public schools... but the final decision about using them belongs to parents.

The rules on classified documents were, as your source makes clear. And we know that classified information passed through the server (http://nypost.com/2015/07/31/doz…), although it is possible that it was all mismarked as unclassified. The legal danger to HRC is real, if remote.

I don’t have hard data on individual sites, but the only empirical evidence I’m aware of suggests left-wing people establish more of an echo-chamber than conservatives, not less.

The problem with the Kinsey reports is that their methods of statistical collection were, in modern terms, absolute wild bullcrap. As BoxTurtleBulletin put it a couple years ago:

All he said was, “Every day in the nearly 1,000 abortions they do, they brutally rip apart about ... 100 gay babies...”

I defer to your local experience.

This should get all 54 Republicans on board, including the pro-choice ones, because it’s not a direct abortion restriction, but just a funding measure (and, let’s be honest here, any Republican who votes against this WILL lose their next primary, even in Maine). It should also nab the votes of the three Democrats who

Huh? Of the eight people on that podium, seven of them were not even in federal office when the “fetal tissue donation” bill passed.

What the hackers have posted on their site is ASTONISHINGLY boring. Literally, the three files in their SQL dump are (respectively) a help-file backend, some kind of access log (I think for site logins, not just site visits), and... a list of all the articles on the website. They’ve posted the PPFA user table, but

Hey! IDIC!

I live in St. Paul, Minnesota, which is roughly as blue than Oklahoma City is red (going by the Cook Partisan Voting Index and accounting for OK’s more thorough gerrymander). That level of hatred for W. was perfectly routine during his presidency — though there were also other Democrats who called out the haters for

He’s multitasking.

I believe you have confused “racists” with “libertarians.” I’m certain a good chunk of the 28% would be personally willing to sell to black people, but don’t believe the government should impose their moral values on others. (How large a chunk, we’ll never know, since the GSS doesn’t dig deeper.)

Indirectly, yes — insofar as the CO Health Dept. assessment is based on this study, if the study is wrong, then so is the savings estimate.

An almost <i>defiantly</i> predictable collection of winners.

Can you imagine what the response of average Californians would BE to that signature-collector? I think the result would be more heartening than you think.