
The original joke about the “PC Master Race” — the video from which we get the phrase — explicitly compared us to Nazis. It’s always had Nazi overtones, and always will.

Look, I support the net neutrality regulations, but if you don’t think they involve a ton of red tape, you’re ignorant. Look up Title II’s rules on interconnection agreements some time — they’re in the Federal Communications Act of 1934, as amended, available now at a Google near you! — and enjoy slowly losing your

The legislature lacks the votes to override.

...though slightly-less-official pronouncements forbidding contraception have steadily poured out of the Catholic Church since the Didache, back in the middle of the second century A.D.

If they want to stick with precedent, they’ll vote no. Even petitioners’ counsel conceded that what they’re asking for is unprecedented not just in American jurisprudence, but in human history.


What if it’s non-invasive? An early-term chemical abortion, which induces a fast miscarriage? Then does the father have veto rights over pregnancy?

It makes great clickbait, but it was introduced only two days ago. GovTrack.us gives it only a 4% chance at enactment.

Perhaps, if you wish to understand where they are coming from, you should look up some of their various manifestos, rather than relying on the summary of a journalist who is hostile to them. The Sad Puppies 3 slate (I can't speak to Rabid Puppies, which really does seem to be run by crazy people) contains a number of

Man, I haven’t played Halo since high school and Halo 2 (I don’t have a console), but this really brings back some fond memories. I’d love to see this come to the States, though I understand why it won’t.

Seriously, what qualifies as a pro-gay space if the Jez, of all places, doesn’t? The feats of mental gymnastics you have to do to keep up with what’s sufficiently progressive and what isn’t must be positively kafkaesque!

As a conservative who voted for a marriage protection amendment, supports RFRA, and gave $5 to the Memories Pizza GoFundMe, I am genuinely astonished to learn that *Jezebel*, of all places, is homophobic. This is like watching Stalin accuse Trotsky of sabotage.

I think it's worth noting also the sizable collection of Star Trek audio dramas out there, which are directly imitating the success of the Doctor Who Big Finish audio series. The Trek audios aren't as flashy as Continues and New Voyages, because they're audio rather than video, but they are able to pool talent from

Pro-life groups strongly favored the plaintiff, and Alito will pretty reliably rule the same way as pro-life groups; he thinks the same way they do.

I don't recall the passage in the Gospels where Jesus gave Mary Madgalene an abortion referral. I believe he said something along the lines of "Go and sin no more," actually. Of course, this is a moot point here, because we aren't dealing with "sluts," as you put it — these girls were by and large victims of rape,

Alright, so if you have to choose between 40,000 unaccompanied children being cared for and not receiving abortion referrals, or 40,000 unaccompanied children NOT being cared for (and still not receiving abortion referrals), which do you choose?

They don't provide this one service. They provide a helluva lot of others. Specifically, these six groups combined provide food, shelter, medical care, foster placement, and other essential services to *the majority* of unaccompanied children who enter the U.S. illegally. If they are taken out of the equation,

RFRA is written very broadly, and there <i>is</i> language in it that prohibits denial of government funding. Nevertheless, you are likely right: the government can probably get past RFRA here by asserting a compelling interest.

Okay, this reassures me. Thanks!